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Europe's 18 Best Tourist Hotspots

Discover Europe's Top Attractions

Europe is a treasure trove of experiences, from France's cultural landmarks to Italy's historical wonders and Germany's architectural gems. Choosing the best attractions can be a challenge, but we've curated a list of must-see destinations for any traveler.

Explore the top attractions in Europe, from the enigmatic Stonehenge to the art-filled Louvre Museum and the historic Prague Castle.

1. Eiffel Tower, France

The Eiffel Tower

The iconic Eiffel Tower stands tall in Paris, a symbol of French ingenuity since the 1889 World's Fair. Despite initial criticism, Gustave Eiffel's creation became a beloved landmark, offering dining, historical exhibits, and panoramic views of the city.

At night, the tower is bathed in golden light, adding to its allure.

2. Colosseum, Italy

The Colosseum

The Colosseum, a testament to Imperial Rome's grandeur, once hosted 80,000 spectators for gladiator battles and other spectacles. Despite its turbulent history, the Colosseum remains a monumental testament to ancient engineering.

3. Acropolis of Athens, Greece

The Acropolis of Athens with the Parthenon Temple on top of the hill at sunset

The Acropolis, perched above Athens, is a citadel of ancient Greek architecture, with the Parthenon as its crown jewel. Despite past destruction, the Acropolis remains a symbol of classical heritage.

4. Stonehenge, England


Stonehenge, a prehistoric enigma in the English countryside, continues to captivate with its massive stone circles and ancient burial mounds. Its true purpose remains a subject of debate and fascination.

5. Louvre Museum, France

View over the Seine River to the Louvre Museum

The Louvre Museum is not only the world's largest art museum but also a historical monument in Paris, with a collection that spans from ancient civilizations to the 19th century.

6. Prague Castle, Czech Republic

Prague Castle

Prague Castle, the world's largest castle complex according to the Guinness Book of Records, is a stunning showcase of Czech history and architecture, attracting millions of visitors annually.

7. Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, Germany

Brandenburg Gate

The Brandenburg Gate, a neoclassical monument in Berlin, has witnessed many of Germany's pivotal historical moments and stands today as a symbol of unity and peace.

8. Venice Canals, Italy

Gondolas on the Grand Canal in Venice

Venice, the "floating city," is famed for its intricate canal system, historic architecture, and romantic gondola rides, offering a unique blend of culture and charm.

9. The Matterhorn, Switzerland

The Matterhorn

The majestic Matterhorn, one of Europe's highest peaks, towers over Zermatt, Switzerland, offering breathtaking views and outdoor adventures for climbers and hikers alike.

10. Amsterdam's Canals, The Netherlands

Amsterdam canal

Amsterdam's picturesque canals, lined with historic buildings and crossed by charming bridges, reflect the city's rich heritage and offer a serene escape within the urban landscape.

11. The Vienna Hofburg, Austria

Hofburg Imperial Palace at night

The Hofburg Palace in Vienna, once the seat of the Habsburg dynasty, now serves as the official residence of Austria's president and is a testament to the country's imperial past.

12. The Alhambra and Generalife Gardens, Spain

The Alhambra in Granada

The Alhambra, a stunning example of Moorish architecture in Granada, Spain, is renowned for its red clay structures and the adjacent Generalife Gardens, offering a glimpse into Spain's Islamic history.

13. Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, Portugal

The Jerónimos Monastery

The Jerónimos Monastery in Lisbon is a masterpiece of Manueline architecture, reflecting Portugal's Age of Discovery with its ornate design and historical significance.

14. The Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy

Leaning tower of Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa, part of a cathedral complex, is famous for its unintended tilt and is a testament to medieval engineering and the resilience of Italian heritage.

Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions & Things to Do in Pisa

15. Sistine Chapel, Vatican City

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Vatican City

The Sistine Chapel in Vatican City is a Renaissance marvel, adorned with Michelangelo's iconic ceiling frescoes and serving as a sacred site for papal conclaves.

16. Sagrada Familia, Spain

Sagrada Familia

Barcelona's Sagrada Familia, a basilica designed by Antoni Gaudi, is a work in progress that combines Art Nouveau and Gothic styles, drawing visitors with its intricate facades and spires.

17. Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle, nestled in the Bavarian Alps, is a fairy-tale fortress built by King Ludwig II, featuring modern amenities within its medieval-inspired walls.

18. Pompeii, Italy

Pompeii with Mount Vesuvius in the background

Pompeii, frozen in time by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, offers a unique window into ancient Roman life, with well-preserved ruins that reveal the city's vibrant past.

Read More: Visiting Pompeii: Top Attractions, Tips & Tours