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Faro's 14 Best Tourist Spots

Faro, the Algarve's largest city, is a treasure trove of cultural riches, set against the backdrop of the stunning Ria Formosa Natural Park. Its history dates back to Roman times, and the most significant historical sites are nestled within the Old Town's medieval walls.

As a vibrant port, Faro's marina is a hub of activity, with boats navigating the channels of the Ria Formosa, a haven for diverse wildlife and a magnet for birdwatchers. The city also offers a variety of attractions, eateries, and shopping options, with the harbor esplanade being a popular gathering spot.

Discover more about Faro's top attractions below.

1. Cidade Velha

Cidade Velha

The Old Town of Faro, a historical gem, is encased by ancient walls on Roman foundations. The Arco da Vila, a grand 19th-century archway with Moorish roots, welcomes visitors into a world of cobbled streets and orange trees. The heart of this area is Largo da Sé, dominated by the imposing Faro Cathedral. Nearby, the Museu Municipal offers a glimpse into the city's past, while sections of the wall provide serene views of the Ria Formosa.

2. Sé (Cathedral)

Sé (Cathedral)

Faro Cathedral, originally a mosque, has evolved through Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque influences. Its interior features azulejos panels and ornate chapels, while the bell tower offers panoramic views of the estuary.

3. Museu Municipal

Museu Municipal

Housed in a 16th-century convent, the Museu Municipal showcases artifacts from prehistory to the 19th century, including Roman mosaics and Arab oil lamps. The museum is a hub of cultural activity and education.

4. Parque Natural da Ria Formosa

Ria Formosa Nature Park

The Ria Formosa is a protected area of lagoons, marshlands, and islands, offering sightseeing cruises and a haven for birdlife. Ilha Deserta boasts a single restaurant and beautiful beaches.

5. Land Train

Land Train

The Comboio Turística is a fun way to explore Faro's landmarks, including the Old Town and modern areas, perfect for families and those looking to rest their feet.

6. Igreja da Nossa Senhora do Carmo (Capela de Ossos)

Igreja da Nossa Senhora do Carmo

The 18th-century Carmo Church is known for its Baroque façade and the Capela dos Ossos, a chapel adorned with the bones of over a thousand monks.

7. Milreu and Estoi

Fish mosaic at Milreu

Milreu, a significant Roman site, features villa ruins with intricate mosaics. Nearby Estoi is home to the Palacio de Estoi, a Rococo palace turned hotel.

8. Forum Algarve

Forum Algarve

Forum Algarve is a shopping haven with over 120 stores, numerous restaurants, and a cinema, offering a break from sightseeing.

9. Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve

Perfect for families, this interactive center encourages scientific discovery through games, experiments, and an aquarium touch pool.

10. Faro Jewish Heritage Centre

The 19th-century Jewish cemetery and museum tell the story of Faro's Jewish community, with rare artifacts and a documentary presentation.

11. Teatro Lethes

Teatro Lethes

The Teatro Lethes, a former Jesuit college, is an intimate theater with a rich history, though performances are now infrequent.

12. Parque Ribeirinho de Faro

Parque Ribeirinho de Faro

This park offers a nature trail, bird observation platforms, and a playground, providing a natural escape within the city.

13. Ilha de Faro

Aerial view of Ilha de Faro

Ilha de Faro is known for its beach, Praia de Faro, popular for windsurfing and kitesurfing, with a road lined with eateries and holiday homes.

14. Alameda João de Deus Garden

Peacock in Alameda João de Deus Garden

A city park with peacocks, turtles, and a mini-golf course, Alameda João de Deus Garden is a peaceful spot for relaxation.