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Top 12 Mayan Sites in Mexico

Discover Mexico's Ancient Mayan Ruins

Mexico's rich history is showcased through its ancient Mayan ruins, remnants of a civilization that excelled in mathematics, astronomy, art, and agriculture. The Mayan empire once spanned across southern Mexico and into Central America, leaving behind a network of cities connected by intricate roads.

Today, the Mayan language and culture persist in remote Mexican communities. While many cities were deserted by 900 AD, they offer valuable insights into Mayan history. Iconic sites like Chichen Itza and Tulum are well-known, but numerous other ruins dot the southern states of Mexico, waiting to be explored.

1. Chichén Itzá

El Castillo, Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza, a New Seven Wonders of the World, is a must-see Mayan city in Yucatan. Its most famous structure, El Castillo, is a testament to the Mayans' astronomical knowledge, with its 365 steps representing each day of the year. During the equinoxes, a serpent-shaped shadow appears, honoring the deity Kukulcan.

2. Tulum

Tulum ruins on the beach

Tulum, set against the backdrop of the Caribbean Sea, was a significant trade hub in the 13th century. Visitors can enjoy stunning sunrises and relax on the beach after exploring the ruins.

3. Coba

The Mayan Nohoch Mul pyramid in Coba

Coba, a less frequented site, offers a unique opportunity to climb the Nohoch Mul pyramid and enjoy panoramic jungle views.

4. Palenque

Temple of the Inscriptions, Palenque

In Chiapas, Palenque is a treasure trove of Mayan inscriptions, providing a deep understanding of their history. The Temple of the Inscriptions is a highlight of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

5. Calakmul


Calakmul, hidden within a vast tropical forest, was a major city rivaling Tikal. Its Great Pyramid is the tallest in the Yucatan, offering views as far as Guatemala.

6. Bonampak

Painted walls in Bonampak

Bonampak, known for its vivid murals, provides a glimpse into Mayan life over a millennium ago.

7. Ek' Balam

Jaguar mouth on the Acropolis, Ek' Balam

Ek' Balam's Acropolis features a jaguar mouth entrance and is one of the largest structures in the Yucatan.

8. Uxmal

Temple of the Magician, Uxmal

Uxmal, near Merida, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with the Pyramid of the Magician as its centerpiece.

9. Becán

People climbing the ruins at Becan

Becan, known for its grand pyramids, was a significant city in the Rio Bec region.

10. Edzná


Edzná's Gran Acropolis and Temple of the Masks are highlights of this lesser-known site.

11. Yaxchilán


Yaxchilán, accessible by river, is an adventure into the heart of Mayan history with its extensive carvings and murals.

12. Kohunlich

The ruins at Kohunlich

Kohunlich, a jungle-enshrouded site, is famous for its Temple of the Masks and the 27 Steps structure.

13. El Rey

El Rey ruins

El Rey, located in Cancun's Hotel Zone, offers a quick cultural excursion with its 47 structures.