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11 Best Day Excursions from Trapani

Discover Trapani's Diverse Attractions

Trapani, Sicily, offers a rich tapestry of tourist attractions, from ancient ruins to modern art cities. Notable historical sites include Selinunte's Greek temples, the Punic city of Mozia, and Segesta's temple and theater. Charming towns like Érice and Mazara del Vallo boast narrow streets, beautiful churches, and scenic settings. Gibellina stands out as a city filled with modern art. These destinations provide a glimpse into the region's past and present, making them must-visit locations for travelers.

For more travel ideas, check out the top day trips from Trapani.

1. Eastern Temples at Selinunte

Eastern Temples at Selinunte

Selinunte is home to one of Sicily's most significant ancient sites, featuring eight Greek temples and the Temple of Demeter. The Eastern Group's Temple G is known for its size, while Temple E showcases Greek architectural splendor. The Archeological Museum in Palermo houses the original frieze panels from Temple E.

2. Selinunte Acropolis

Selinunte Acropolis

The Acropolis of Selinunte spans 17 hectares, surrounded by defensive walls. Temple C stands out with its massive columns, and the area is rich with ancient structures waiting to be explored.

3. Segesta


Segesta's secluded ruins include an unfinished temple and a theater, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

4. Santissimo Salvatore and Mazara del Vallo's Old Town

Santissimo Salvatore and Mazara del Vallo's Old Town

The Cathedral of Santissimo Salvatore in Mazara del Vallo is a Norman basilica with Baroque restorations. The old town is filled with historical churches and the Palace of the Maltese Knights.

5. Mozia Excavations

Mozia Excavations

The island of San Pantaleo hosts the remains of the Punic city of Mozia, with its ancient walls, mosaics, and necropoli. The on-site museum displays a significant marble statue from the fifth century.

6. Gibellina


Gibellina, rebuilt after an earthquake, is a modern art city created by renowned artists. Notable works include the Porta di Ferro and Il Cretto, a memorial to the old town.

Official site:

7. Érice


Érice is a medieval town with panoramic views, ancient walls, and significant buildings like the Chiesa Matrice and Castello di Venere.

8. Cathedral and Museum in Marsala

Cathedral and Museum in Marsala

Marsala's Cathedral of San Tomaso is adorned with works by the Gagini family. The Museo Nazionale Lilibeo showcases a Punic ship and other historical artifacts.

9. Rocche di Cusa: An Ancient Quarry

Rocche di Cusa: An Ancient Quarry

Rocche di Cusa, the quarry for Selinunte's temples, offers a glimpse into ancient stone-working techniques.

10. Chiesa di Santissima Trinità di Delia

This Byzantine-style church near Castelvetrano is known for its unique blend of Norman, Byzantine, and Arabic influences.

11. Grotta Mangiapane (Mangiapane Cave)

Mangiapane Cave

Grotta Mangiapane, part of the Mt. Cofano Nature Reserve, has a rich history from the Paleolithic era to a 19th-century village preserved as an open-air museum.

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Finding More Ancient Sites: Explore more of Sicily's Greek and Roman heritage in Agrigento's Valley of the Temples and Syracuse's ancient theaters.