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Explore 13 Key Sights & Stays in Venice's St. Mark's Square

Discover St. Mark's Square: Venice's Cultural Heart

St. Mark's Square, or Piazza San Marco, is the ceremonial epicenter of Venice, bustling with life and steeped in history. As the city's only "piazza," it has been a social, religious, and political hub since the days of the Venetian Republic.

Enclosed by grand arcades and crowned by the Basilica di San Marco's ornate domes, the square is a must-see for any visitor. Despite the long queues for the basilica, you can bypass them by joining a guided tour. The square itself is a vast, open space, free from vehicles and filled with locals, tourists, and pigeons alike.

Maximize your experience with the top attractions and tours in St. Mark's Square, and conveniently book your car online for your visit. For accommodation tips, see Where to Stay near St. Mark's.

1. Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's Basilica)

Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's Basilica)

The basilica, once the Doges' chapel, is a treasure trove of Byzantine art, gilded mosaics, and the Pala d'Oro retable. Skip the line tours ensure you see the best parts without the wait.

2. Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace)

Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace)

The Doge's Palace, with its Venetian Gothic architecture, houses masterpieces by Tintoretto and other renowned artists. Tours offer a comprehensive look at its grandeur.

3. Campanile


The towering bell tower offers panoramic views of Venice. Rebuilt after its collapse in 1902, it also houses the historic Loggetta.

4. Torre dell'Orologio (Clock Tower)

Torre dell'Orologio (Clock Tower)

This Renaissance clock tower features a zodiac clock, striking Moors, and the Lion of St. Mark, symbolizing Venice's rich history.

5. Bridge of Sighs

Bridge of Sighs

The enclosed bridge, named by Lord Byron, connects the Doge's Palace to the Prigioni, offering a poignant view of Venice for prisoners of the past.

6. Museo Correr and Museo del Risorgimento

Museo Correr and Museo del Risorgimento

These museums showcase Venice's history, art, and the Risorgimento period, housed in beautiful 18th-century interiors.

7. Piazzetta and Libreria Sansoviniana


The Piazzetta, a grand extension of St. Mark's Square, is flanked by the Doge's Palace and the Libreria Sansoviniana, a cornerstone of Venetian architecture.

8. Linger Over Coffee at a Historic Café

Cafe on Piazza San Marco with a superb view of St. Mark's Basilica

Indulge in a coffee at one of the square's historic cafés, such as Caffé Florian, Caffé Lavena, or Gran Caffè Quadri, for a taste of Venetian elegance.

9. Procuratie and Ala Napoleonica

Procuratie and Ala Napoleonica

The Procuratie buildings, once the offices of the Republic's chief officials, now house several museums, including the Museo Civico Correr.

10. Archeological Museum

Ancient Greek theater mask, Archeological Museum

Compare Classical archaeological finds with Roman copies and Renaissance art, highlighting the influence of ancient works on Venetian culture.

11. The Church of San Moisè

The Church of San Moisè

Just off the square, this Baroque church is a divisive but beloved part of Venice's architectural landscape.

12. San Zaccaria

San Zaccaria

Behind the basilica, this church is rich in history, with relics of Zacharias and masterpieces by Bellini and Tintoretto.

13. Giardinetti Reale

Overview of Giardinetti Reale and Venice

A serene garden near the square, offering a tranquil escape with its lush greenery and fragrant flowers.

Where to Stay near St. Mark's

Hotels near St. Mark's Square are in high demand due to their proximity to major attractions. Options range from luxury to budget-friendly accommodations.

Tips and Tours: How to Make the Most of Your Visit to St. Mark's Square

  • Tours of St. Mark's: Skip the line and enjoy a guided tour of St. Mark's Basilica and its treasures.
  • Tours of St. Mark's & the Doge's Palace with a Canal Cruise: Combine a visit to the city's top attractions with a Grand Canal boat tour.
  • Tours for Families with Children: Engage young travelers with interactive tours designed to entertain and educate.