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Vatican's 13 Must-See Sights for Travelers

Exploring Vatican City: A Guide to Its Wonders

The Vatican, established as a sovereign state in 1929, may be the smallest in the world, but it houses an abundance of attractions. Key highlights include St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, with the Vatican Palace offering rooms adorned by renowned artists and a variety of museums showcasing everything from ancient sculptures to modern religious art.

Visitors can also explore collections of Papal carriages, vintage cars, and artworks by Matisse, Dali, and others. To make the most of your visit, consider renting a car.

1. St. Peter's Basilica

Saint Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

St. Peter's Basilica stands as a monumental piece of architecture, built over the supposed burial site of St. Peter. Its construction, which sparked the Protestant Reformation, showcases works by Bernini and Michelangelo, including the famous Pietà. The basilica's interior is vast, with a dome reaching 119 meters high and an interior that can hold 60,000 people.

2. Sistine Chapel

Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel, known for Michelangelo's ceiling frescoes and the Last Judgment, is a masterpiece of Renaissance art. The chapel's walls are adorned with frescoes by renowned artists, depicting scenes from the Bible set against Umbrian and Tuscan landscapes.

3. Vatican Palace Highlights: The Raphael Rooms, Appartamento Borgia, and Cappella Niccolina

A Vatican Palace highlight

The Vatican Palace's Raphael Rooms are a testament to the artist's mastery, with frescoes that reflect humanist themes. The Appartamento Borgia, decorated by Pinturicchio, and the Cappella Niccolina, adorned with frescoes by Fra Angelico, are also not to be missed.

4. Pinacoteca (Picture Gallery)

Painting in the Pinacoteca (Picture Gallery)

The Pinacoteca houses an impressive collection of art from the Middle Ages to modern times, despite past looting by Napoleon. It offers a survey of Western painting's evolution, featuring works by Giotto, Raphael, da Vinci, and Caravaggio.

5. Piazza San Pietro (St. Peter's Square)

Aerial view of Piazza San Pietro (St. Peter's Square)

Bernini designed the expansive Piazza San Pietro to accommodate large gatherings of the faithful. The square is notable for its semicircular colonnades, fountains, and a central Egyptian obelisk.

6. Museo Pio Clementino

Sculpture of River god Arno at the Pio Clementino Museum, Vatican City

The Museo Pio Clementino boasts the world's largest collection of ancient sculptures, including the Apollo Belvedere and the Laocoön group.

7. Vatican Necropolis

A mosaic beneath St. Peter's Basilica

Below St. Peter's Basilica lies the Vatican Necropolis, a site of ancient pagan and Christian graves, including what is believed to be the tomb of St. Peter. Visits are limited and require advance booking.

8. Vatican Gardens

Vatican Gardens

The Vatican Gardens, dating back to the 13th century, offer a serene environment with a variety of plants, trees, and symbolic gifts like the olive tree from Israel. Tours must be arranged through the Vatican Museum.

9. Etruscan Museum

Etruscan Museum

The Etruscan Museum displays artifacts from Etruscan graves, providing insight into their culture and afterlife beliefs.

10. Collection of Modern Religious Art

Cristo e la Veronica by Otto Dix, Vatican Museum

This collection features over 800 works of 20th-century religious art, including pieces by Dali, Van Gogh, and Matisse.

11. Vatican Library

Vatican Library

The Vatican Library is renowned for its vast collection of ancient texts, manuscripts, and coins.

12. Egyptian Museum

Egyptian Museum

This museum showcases Egyptian art from the third millennium to the sixth century BC, including sarcophagi and statues.

13. Museo Chiaramonti

Museo Chiaramonti

The Museo Chiaramonti focuses on Greek and Roman art, featuring famous sculptures and copies of Greek originals.

Where to Stay near Vatican City for Sightseeing

  • The 4-star Hotel della Conciliazione offers complimentary breakfast and well-appointed rooms.
  • The boutique Vatican View boasts stylish rooms with beautiful views and luxurious bathrooms.
  • Caesar Palace provides a good-value bed-and-breakfast experience with elegant rooms and continental breakfast.
  • The budget Adriatic Hotel is conveniently located near Vatican City and features a lovely roof garden.

Tips and Tours: How to Make the Most of Your Visit to the Vatican

Skip the Lines:

  • To avoid long waits, book a Skip the Line Tour of the Vatican Museums, St. Peter's Basilica, and the Sistine Chapel. This tour provides no-wait access and a private guide to enhance your experience.