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Discovering Ardèche Gorges: Scenic Drive Tour

Explore the Gorges de l'Ardèche: A Driving Tour

The Gorges de l'Ardèche nature reserve is a stunning area of over 1,500 hectares, featuring dramatic gorges, white cliffs, and ancient caves shaped by the Ardèche River over millions of years. This destination is perfect for nature enthusiasts, offering activities like swimming, white-water rafting, canoeing, kayaking, and hiking.

Gorges d'Ardèche

Embark on a full-day driving tour to experience the reserve's natural beauty and cultural sites. The 85-kilometer route takes at least two hours of driving, excluding stops. Renting a car is recommended to make the most of your visit.

1. Saint-Martin-d'Ardèche

Saint-Martin d'Ardèche

Start at Saint-Martin-d'Ardèche, a quaint fishing village offering outdoor activities and a historic atmosphere. Enjoy the local cafés and explore the surrounding nature.

Address: 07700 Saint-Martin d'Ardèche

2. Aven d'Orgnac: Prehistoric Caves and Museum of Prehistory

La Grotte, Aven d'Orgnac

Visit the Aven d'Orgnac to discover its prehistoric caves and museum. The guided tour takes you 120 meters underground to see stunning geological formations and learn about early human life.

Address: Grand Site de l'Aven d'Orgnac, 07150 Orgnac-l'Aven

3. Pont d'Arc

Pont d'Arc

The Pont d'Arc is a breathtaking natural stone bridge over the Ardèche River. It's a popular spot for swimming and kayaking.

Address: Le Pont d'Arc, 07150 Vallon-Pont-d'Arc

4. Grotte Chauvet 2 Ardèche

Grotte Chauvet 2 Ardèche

The Grotte Chauvet 2 Ardèche is a replica of the oldest decorated prehistoric cave in France, showcasing incredible ancient art.

Address: Grotte Chauvet 2 Ardèche, 4941 Route de Bourg Saint Andéol, 07150 Vallon-Pont-d'Arc

Official site:

5. Saint-Remèze

Vallon Pont d'Arc , Saint Remeze

Explore the Aven Marzal caves in Saint-Remèze, discovered in 1892, and enjoy the Prehistoric Zoo with life-size models of ancient creatures.

Address: Aven Marzal, 106 Route de Plance, 07700 Saint-Remèze

6. Grotte de la Madeleine

Grotte de la Madeleine

The Grotte de la Madeleine offers a guided tour of its impressive chambers filled with natural formations and a "Sound and Light" show.

Address: Gorges de l'Ardèche, 07700 Saint-Remèze

Official site:

7. Belvédères de la Corniche

Belvédères de la Corniche

Drive along the "Haute Corniche" for stunning views of the Ardèche River from various viewpoints.

8. Pont-Saint-Esprit


Finish your tour at Pont-Saint-Esprit, where you can admire the old stone bridge and the village's scenic location.

Charming Villages in the Ardeche Region

Don't miss the medieval charm of Balazuc, the riverside beauty of Labeaume, and the "Most Beautiful Village" of Vogüé, each offering unique attractions and stunning architecture.

For more travel inspiration, consider combining your trip with a visit to Provence's Haut-Vaucluse or exploring the less touristy Languedoc-Roussillon region.