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Top 15 Must-See Sights in Martinique

Explore Martinique: A French Caribbean Gem

Martinique, a French island in the Caribbean, is a blend of beautiful beaches, volcanic mountains, and rich history. The capital, Fort-de-France, offers architectural sights and museums detailing the island's heritage.

Visit Saint-Pierre to witness the power of nature, where the city was rebuilt on the ruins of the old capital destroyed by Mount Pelée's eruption in 1902. The island also offers activities like diving, snorkeling, and hiking, or you can simply relax on its stunning beaches and enjoy French-Creole cuisine.

Discover the top attractions in Martinique for a memorable visit.

1. Balata Botanical Garden

Balata Botanical Garden

At Balata Botanical Garden, over 3,000 tropical plant species and flowers await, complete with treetop rope bridges for a bird's-eye view. It's a must-visit for nature lovers.

Address: Km 10, Route de Balata, Fort-de-France

Official site:

2. Les Salines

Les Salines

Les Salines, near Sainte-Anne, is a picturesque beach lined with coconut palms, ideal for sunbathing and swimming.

3. Fort-de-France


Fort-de-France, the island's capital, features landmarks like the headless statue of Empress Josephine and the Bibliothèque Schoelcher. Explore the city's history at local museums and enjoy shopping at the vibrant markets.

4. Les Trois-Ilets

Les Trois-Ilets

Les Trois-Ilets offers a glimpse into Martinique's sugarcane and pottery history, with attractions like Village de la Poterie and Maison de la Canne.

5. Saint-Pierre

Saint-Pierre and Mount Pelée

Saint-Pierre, with its ruins and Volcanological Museum, tells the story of the devastating 1902 eruption.

6. Boat Tours from Pointe du Bout

Boat Tours from Pointe du Bout

Embark on boat tours from Pointe du Bout for dolphin watching and exploring mangrove forests.

Address: Pointe du Bout, Les Trois-Ilets

7. Musée de la Pagerie

Musée de la Pagerie

Discover the childhood home of Empress Josephine at Musée de la Pagerie, which showcases her personal belongings.

8. La Savane des Esclaves

Nearby, La Savane des Esclaves offers insight into the lives of slaves with a reconstructed village and exhibits.

Address: Quartier Pagerie, Trois-Ilets

9. Château Dubuc and the Caravelle Peninsula

Château Dubuc ruins

Explore the ruins of Château Dubuc and hike the Caravelle Nature Trail for stunning coastal views.

Address: Tartane, La Trinité, East Martinique

10. Route de la Trace to Morne Rouge

Route de la Trace to Morne Rouge

Drive the scenic Route de la Trace through rainforests and past the Sacre Coeur de Balata Church to Morne Rouge.

11. Zoo de Martinique and Le Carbet

Martinique Zoo

Zoo Martinique offers a family-friendly experience with animals and botanical gardens set among historical ruins.

Official site:

12. Hiking on Mount Pelée

Hikers on Mount Pelée

Hike Mount Pelée for breathtaking views, but be sure to check weather conditions and wear proper gear.

13. Diamond Rock & Le Mémorial de l'Anse Caffard

Rainbow over Diamond Rock

Learn about Diamond Rock's naval history and visit Le Mémorial de l'Anse Caffard to honor the victims of a tragic shipwreck.

14. Sainte-Anne


Enjoy the charming village of Sainte-Anne, its beaches, and the nearby Savane Des Petrifications.

15. Gorges de la Falaise

Ajoupa Bouillon

Experience the Gorges de la Falaise's waterfalls and nature trails for an adventurous outing.

More Must-See Islands near Martinique


Explore nearby islands like St. Lucia and Dominica for more natural beauty and hiking opportunities.