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Top 15 Churches to Visit in Florence

Discover Florence's Artistic Churches and Convents

Florence's churches and convents are treasure troves of art, rivaling many museums. While some have been repurposed into museums, others, like the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and San Lorenzo, remain active and are key tourist sites. Don't miss the lesser-known churches either, which house remarkable Renaissance art and architecture. To explore at your own pace, consider renting a car in Florence.

Some artworks are in dimly lit chapels, but you can illuminate them by inserting coins into meters. For more information on where to find Florence's most famous art, check out the top churches in Florence and top-rated hotels.

1. Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and Brunelleschi's Dome

The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance, is adorned with works by Ghiberti, Giotto, and Brunelleschi. To avoid long lines and see exclusive areas, consider the Skip-the-Line Florence Duomo with Brunelleschi's Dome Climb tour.

2. Santa Maria Novella

Santa Maria Novella

Santa Maria Novella, a Dominican church, showcases a mix of Romanesque-Gothic and Renaissance styles. Inside, you'll find works by Brunelleschi, Masaccio, Giotto, and Ghirlandaio, among others.

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3. Santa Croce

Santa Croce

Santa Croce, a Franciscan church, is the final resting place for Michelangelo, Galileo, and other notable figures. Its Gothic interior houses masterpieces by Donatello, Giotto, and Taddeo Gaddi.

4. San Lorenzo

San Lorenzo

San Lorenzo, the Medici family church, features Brunelleschi's architecture and Michelangelo's unfinished Medici Tombs, making it a must-visit.

5. San Miniato al Monte

San Miniato al Monte

Perched above Florence, San Miniato al Monte offers stunning views and a unique blend of Romanesque Tuscan architecture and Byzantine mosaics.

6. San Marco

San Marco

The church and monastery of San Marco are renowned for the frescoes by Fra Angelico, which adorn the monks' cells and other areas.

7. Cappella Brancacci and Santa Maria de Carmen

Santa Maria de Carmen

The Cappella Brancacci, attached to Santa Maria de Carmen, is celebrated for its 15th-century frescoes by Masolino, Masaccio, and Filippino Lippi.

8. Santo Spirito

Santo Spirito

Santo Spirito, designed by Brunelleschi, is a prime example of pure Renaissance church architecture, adorned with significant artworks.

9. Santissima Annunziata (Church of the Annunciation)

Santissima Annunziata (Church of the Annunciation)

Rebuilt by Michelozzo, Santissima Annunziata houses a miraculous picture of the Annunciation and works by Andrea del Castagno and Giambologna.

10. Ognissanti (All Saints' Church)

Ognissanti (All Saints' Church)

Ognissanti, a Baroque church, features Ghirlandaio's frescoes and a young Amerigo Vespucci in the Madonna della Misericordia.

11. San Michele in Orto (Orsanmichele)


Orsanmichele displays its art externally, with sculptures by Ghiberti, Donatello, and Verrocchio adorning its niches.

12. Sant'Ambrogio

Sant'Ambrogio, one of Florence's oldest churches, is known for its Eucharistic miracles and houses works by Florentine masters.

13. Santa Trinità

Santa Trinità

Santa Trinità is beloved by Florentines for its Gothic architecture and Ghirlandaio's frescoes in the Cappella Sassetti.

14. Cenacolo di Sant'Apollonia

The Cenacolo di Sant'Apollonia features Andrea del Castagno's significant fresco, Last Supper, a milestone in Renaissance painting.

15. Santi Apostoli

The Church of the Holy Apostles is notable for its Romanesque structure and works by Giovanni della Robbia and Vasari.

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