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Top 15 Bilbao Attractions & Activities

The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, designed by Frank Gehry, sparked the trend of "architourism" in 1997. Bilbao, the capital of Spain's Vizcaya province in the Basque Country, is not only famous for its modern architecture but also for its rich cultural scene, historic Old Town, and exceptional dining experiences, including six Michelin-starred restaurants.

Discover the top attractions and activities in this dynamic city with our guide.

1. Guggenheim Museum

Guggenheim Museum

The Guggenheim Museum is a must-visit in Bilbao, showcasing 24,000 square meters of art within its iconic 20th-century architecture. The museum's collection includes works by Mark Rothko, Willem de Kooning, and Anselm Kiefer, among others. Notable sculptures include Louise Bourgeois' "Maman" and Jeff Koons' "Puppy." Private tours are available.

Nearby, the Michelin-starred Etxanobe Atelier offers modern Spanish cuisine.

Official site:

2. Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao

Museum of Fine Arts in Bilbao

The Museum of Fine Arts houses a vast collection ranging from 14th-century European masters to contemporary Spanish artists. Highlights include works by El Greco, Zurbarán, and Francisco de Goya.

Close by is Restaurante Zortziko, known for its innovative haute cuisine.

Official site:

3. Explore Casco Viejo (Old Town)

Casco Viejo (Old Town)

The Casco Viejo, or Old Town, is a charming area with historic streets, boutiques, and cafés. Notable landmarks include the Teatro Arriaga and the Iglesia de San Nicolás de Bari. Plaza Nueva is a lively square, ideal for starting a pintxos tasting adventure.

4. Get a New Perspective from the Bridges of Bilbao

The Volantin Footbridge by Antonio Calatrave

Bilbao's bridges, such as La Salve Bridge and Zubizuri Bridge, offer stunning views of the city. The Vizcaya Bridge, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a marvel of industrial revolution engineering.

5. Sample Pintxos in the Plaza Nueva

A quiet corner in Plaza Nueva, Bilbao

Plaza Nueva is the heart of social life in Bilbao, where locals and tourists alike enjoy pintxos, the Basque version of tapas, in the surrounding bars and restaurants.

6. Euskal Museoa Bilbao (Museo Vasco)

Euskal Museoa Bilbao (Museo Vasco)

The Bilbao Basque Museum delves into the region's culture and history, with exhibits on archeology, ethnography, and maritime history.

Address: 4 Plaza Miguel de Unamuno, Bilbao

7. Catedral de Santiago

Cathedral of Santiago in Bilbao

The Cathedral of Santiago is a stunning example of Basque Gothic architecture, with a richly decorated interior and a history dating back to the 15th century.

Address: 1 Plaza de Santiago, Bilbao

8. Bizkaia Archaeological Museum

Archaeology Museum

The Bizkaia Archaeological Museum presents the ancient history of the Basque region through archaeological finds and exhibits.

Address: 2 Calzada de Mallona, Bilbao

9. Relax at Parque Doña Casilda de Iturrizar

Doña Casilda Iturrizar Park, Bilbao

Doña Casilda Park is a serene green space with lush landscaping, perfect for a leisurely stroll or a boat ride on its lake.

Location: Between Gran Vía and Paseo de Abandoibarra, Bilbao

10. Basilica de Begoña

Basilica de Begoña

The hilltop Basilica de Begoña is a significant pilgrimage site with stunning views of the city.

Address: 38 Virgen de Begoña, Bilbao

11. Museo Marítimo Itsasmuseum Bilbao

Museo Marítimo Ría de Bilbao

The Bilbao Maritime Museum showcases the maritime history and traditions of the Bilbao Estuary.

Address: 1 Muelle Ramón de la Sota, Bilbao

12. Palacio Euskalduna (Conference and Music Center)

Euskalduna Music and Conference Hall

The Euskalduna Music and Conference Hall is a modern architectural marvel and a hub for performing arts in Bilbao.

Address: 4 Avenida de Abandoibarra, Bilbao

13. Mercado de la Ribera

Mercado de la Ribera

The Ribera Market is a bustling hub for fresh Basque culinary products and a great place to experience local life.

Address: Mercado de la Ribera, 22 bis Ribera, Bilbao

14. Funicular de Artxanda and Mount Artxanda

Funicular de Artxanda on Mount Artxanda

The Artxanda Funicular offers stunning views of Bilbao from Mount Artxanda, a perfect spot for panoramic cityscapes.

Official site:

15. Gran Vía de Don Diego López de Haro

Plaza de Federico Moyua

The "Gran Vía" is Bilbao's main boulevard, lined with shops, restaurants, and impressive architecture.