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Best Day Excursions Within Reach of Lyon

Discover the Charms of Lyon's Surroundings

The region around Lyon, France, is a treasure trove of cultural and natural attractions, offering a variety of day trips to historic towns, scenic nature spots, and elegant estates.

Vienne and Pérouges are two historic towns near Lyon that showcase the area's rich heritage. Vienne is known for its Roman monuments and Romanesque churches, while Pérouges features cobblestone streets and medieval buildings. For nature lovers, the Domaine de Lacroix-Laval offers a serene parkland experience. Chazelles-sur-Lyon caters to fashion enthusiasts with its hat-making history, and the Grottes de Cerdon provide an adventure into prehistoric caves.

1. Vienne


Vienne, just 30 kilometers from Lyon, is renowned for its Roman heritage, including the Temple d'Auguste et de Livie and the ancient Théâtre Antique, which hosts the Jazz à Vienne festival. The Musée Archéologique and the Romanesque Cloître Saint-André-le-Bas are also must-see attractions.

2. Pérouges


Pérouges, a "Plus Beaux Villages de France," is a medieval gem with artisanal shops and the Hostellerie du Vieux Pérouges for an overnight stay. The Musée du Vieux Pérouges and the annual Fête Médiévale immerse visitors in the town's history. Local cuisine, like the Galette Pérougienne, is a highlight.

3. Domaine de Lacroix-Laval

Domaine de Lacroix-Laval

The Domaine de Lacroix-Laval, a short drive from Lyon, is an EcoJardin with a "Jardin Remarquable" label, offering picturesque trails and gardens for a peaceful day out.

4. Chazelles-sur-Lyon


The town of Chazelles-sur-Lyon, once a hat-making hub, now features the Atelier-Musée du Chapeau, where visitors can learn about the craft and purchase custom-made hats.

5. Couvent de la Tourette

Couvent de la Tourette

Designed by Le Corbusier, the Couvent de la Tourette is a modern architectural marvel set in a tranquil valley, serving as a monastery with guided tours available on Sundays.

6. Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez


Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez, a "Plus Beaux Villages," offers guided tours of its Carthusian monastery and is surrounded by the hiking trails of the Parc Naturel Régional du Pilat.

7. Maison d'Ampère - Musée de l'Electricité (Electricity Museum)

Maison d'Ampère (Electricity Museum)

The Maison d'Ampère celebrates André-Marie Ampère's contributions to electrodynamics with interactive exhibits and historical instruments.

8. Bourg-en-Bresse


Bourg-en-Bresse is known for its Poularde de Bresse chickens and the 16th-century Monastère Royal de Brou, a Flamboyant Gothic architectural masterpiece.

9. Grottes du Cerdon


The Grottes du Cerdon offer a journey through Ice Age-formed caves, now part of a prehistoric-themed recreational park.

10. Château de Rochetaillée

Château de Rochetaillée

The Château de Rochetaillée, near Lyon, is home to the Musée de l'Automobile Henri Malartre, showcasing a collection of vintage automobiles.

11. Château Grillet

Chateau Grillet

Château Grillet, in the village of Vérin, is a historic estate set amidst the picturesque Northern Rhône region.

12. Abbaye d'Ambronay

The Abbaye d'Ambronay, a 9th-century abbey, is a spiritual site known for its annual Festival d'Ambronay, celebrating classical and Baroque music.