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Discover Alicante: 12 Must-See Sights & Activities

Once called Lucentum by the Romans, the sunny coastal city of Alicante is a haven for tourists seeking a blend of leisure and culture. Its Mediterranean climate and picturesque bay with sandy beaches make it a favored destination all year round.

Alicante is not just about relaxation; it's also rich in cultural attractions. Visitors can enjoy museums, stroll along the waterfront promenade, and explore the city's lush gardens and palm-lined boulevards.

Discover the best places to visit in Alicante with our guide to the top attractions and activities.

See also: Where to Stay in Alicante

1. Castillo de Santa Bárbara

Castillo de Santa Bárbara

Perched on Mount Benacantil, the Castillo de Santa Bárbara towers over Alicante, offering stunning views of the coastline. Visitors can explore the castle's ancient halls and learn about its history, which dates back to the Carthaginian era.

An informative three-hour walking tour of Alicante begins at the castle, including stops at the Old Town and other historic sites.

Location: Mount Benacantil

Official site:

2. Museo Arqueológico de Alicante (MARQ)

Museo Arqueológico

The MARQ takes visitors through 100,000 years of history with its extensive collection of artifacts from various periods. The museum also offers a glimpse into the work of archaeologists.

Address: Plaza del Doctor Gómez Ulla, Alicante

3. Explanada de España

Explanada de España

The Explanada de España is a marble-tiled promenade lined with palm trees, running alongside the marina. It's a social hub where visitors can enjoy cafes, markets, and cultural events.

The promenade stretches from Plaza Puerta del Mar to Parque de Canalejas, passing by historic buildings and offering various family-friendly activities.

4. Basilica de Santa María

Basilica de Santa María

In the Old Town, the Basilica de Santa María stands on the site of a former mosque. This 14th-century church features a Baroque facade and interior, with a richly decorated sanctuary open to the public.

Address: Plaza de Santa María, Alicante

5. Playa del Postiguet: A Beautiful City Beach

Playa del Postiguet: A Beautiful City Beach

Playa del Postiguet is a central city beach beneath the Castillo de Santa Barbara, known for its calm waters and golden sand. It offers various amenities and is adjacent to the marina.

Address: Muelle 8 Zona de Levante, Alicante

6. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante

Museo de Arte Contemporaneo (Museum of Contemporary Art)

The museum showcases 20th-century avant-garde art, including works by Picasso and Miró, within a 17th-century Baroque building.

Address: 3 Plaza de Santa María, Alicante

7. Mercado Central de Alicante

Mercado Central in downtown Alicante

The Central Market is a bustling hub where locals and tourists shop for fresh produce and specialty items. The modernist building is open Monday through Saturday.

Address: 10 Avenida Alfonso X El Sabio, 03004, Alicante

8. Playa de San Juan

Palm trees on Playa de San Juan

Less than 10 kilometers from the city center, Playa de San Juan is a spacious beach with calm waters, ideal for sunbathing and water sports.

9. Concatedral San Nicolás de Bari

Concatedral San Nicolás de Bari

In the city's heart, the 17th-century Concatedral San Nicolás de Bari is an example of Herrerian style, with a plain exterior and an awe-inspiring interior.

10. Ayuntamiento (Town Hall)

Facade of the Alicante Town Hall

The Baroque Town Hall features an ornate facade and is open to the public, showcasing the Blue Room and chapel.

Address: Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Alicante

11. Plaza de Gabriel Miró

Plaza de Gabriel Miró

This square offers a tranquil spot shaded by ficus trees, with a fountain and a bust of the author Gabriel Miró.

12. Cabo de las Huertas

Las Huertas Cape Lighthouse on Alicante Coast

Just outside Alicante, Cabo de las Huertas features small coves ideal for scuba diving and enjoying the Mediterranean's tranquility.

Where to Stay in Alicante for Sightseeing

For sightseeing, the best areas to stay are the Old Town, near the port and marina, or by the beaches. There are options for luxury, mid-range, and budget accommodations.

Day Trips from Alicante

Explore nearby attractions like Playa de Los Saladares, Las Cuevas del Canelobre, Tabarca Island, Altea, and Albacete, each offering unique experiences and sights.

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