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Explore Prague Castle: Top 9 Sights, Advice & Excursions

Explore the Wonders of Prague Castle

Prague Castle (Pražský hrad), a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a top destination in the Czech Republic, featuring a blend of architectural styles and a rich history.

Prague Castle

The castle, once the seat of Bohemian kings and now the presidential residence, spans over a millennium with its origins in the 10th century. Recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest ancient castle, it offers tours to navigate its vast expanse and learn about its history.

Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views of the Vltava River and Prague's historic center. For an enchanting experience, witness the castle at night or during winter.

1. The Old Royal Palace and the Vladislav Hall

The Old Royal Palace and the Vladislav Hall

The Old Royal Palace's history dates back to the 9th century, with the current Gothic structure initiated by Emperor Charles IV. The Vladislav Hall is a highlight, used for coronations and other significant events. Visitors can join a 2.5-hour walking tour, which includes the Old Royal Palace and other key attractions.

2. St. Vitus Cathedral

St. Vitus Cathedral

St. Vitus Cathedral, the largest Christian building in the Czech Republic, showcases a mix of Gothic, Neo-Gothic, Baroque, and Renaissance styles. Notable features include the stained glass windows, the St. Wenceslas Chapel, and the rich Treasury. The Great South Tower offers panoramic views of Prague.

Guided tours in Prague

3. The Story of Prague Castle

The Story of Prague Castle

This exhibit within the Old Royal Palace presents a thousand years of the castle's history and the Czech nation, featuring artifacts and stories of influential figures.

4. The Prague Castle Picture Gallery

Art enthusiasts should visit the Prague Castle Picture Gallery, which houses a significant collection of artwork from the 16th century onwards, including pieces by renowned artists like Rubens and Vecelli.

5. The Basilica of St. George

The Basilica of St. George

The Basilica of St. George, the oldest church within the castle, retains its Romanesque style and houses important tombs.

6. The Golden Lane

The Golden Lane

The Golden Lane, dating back to the 15th century, features medieval buildings and shops. Literature fans can visit the former residence of Franz Kafka's sister.

7. Queen Anne's Summer Palace

Queen Anne's Summer Palace

Queen Anne's Summer Palace, built by Ferdinand I, is renowned for its architecture and now hosts art exhibitions.

8. The Riding School and Imperial Stables

The Riding School and Imperial Stables

The Riding School and Imperial Stables, now exhibition halls, are noted for their Baroque style and house the Prague Castle Picture Gallery.

9. The Royal Garden

Ball Game Hall in The Royal Garden

The Royal Garden, a Renaissance creation, features historical buildings and the unique Singing Fountain. Other gardens, like the Southern Gardens and the Stag Moat, offer serene walks and views.

Where to Stay near Prague Castle

Recommended hotels near Prague Castle range from luxury to budget-friendly options, all within walking distance.

Tips and Tours: How to Make the Most of Your Visit to Prague Castle

  • Sightseeing Tours: Consider a comprehensive Prague in One Day Tour or rent a car for more flexibility.
  • Prague Castle at Night: A private night tour offers a unique perspective and access to restricted areas.
  • Changing of the Guard: A traditional ceremony that takes place daily at noon.
