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Family Fun in Rome: 15 Kid-Friendly Activities

Top Family-Friendly Activities in Rome

Traveling with children in Rome offers a unique opportunity to immerse them in the city's rich history, culture, and art. While it's easy to seek out familiar comforts, it's important to embrace the local experiences that make Rome the Eternal City.

Our guide highlights attractions and activities that are distinctly Roman, ensuring that your family's visit is both educational and fun. For a smooth journey, consider staying at family-friendly hotels and perhaps renting a car for more flexibility.

Also see: Best Areas & Hotels in Rome

1. Explore the Colosseum's Underground

Visit the Colosseum and its hypogeum, the underground area where gladiators and animals awaited their fate. Book in advance to access this fascinating part of history.

2. Gladiator School for Kids

Children can learn about gladiators and practice swordplay at the Gruppo Storico Romano. They'll even earn a diploma to prove their new skills.

Address: Via Appia Antica 18, Rome

Official site: Gladiator School

Excursions in Rome

3. Enjoy a Puppet Show

Rome has a rich puppetry tradition. Visit Teatrino di Pulcinella al Gianicolo for free shows or San Carlino for interactive performances.

Address: Viale dei Bambini

4. Outdoor Fun in Borghese Gardens

Rome's Borghese Gardens offer boat rentals, bike rides, playgrounds, pony rides, and a zoo. It's a perfect spot for families to relax and play.

5. Savor Italian Gelato

Indulge in gelato, with flavors like strawberry (Fregola), lemon (Limone), and chocolate (Cioccolato). Remember, eating on historic steps and fountains is now banned to protect these sites.

6. Discover Ancient Egypt in Vatican City

The Egyptian Museum in Vatican City is a hit with kids, featuring mummies and hieroglyphics. Don't forget to dress appropriately for other Vatican attractions.

7. Marvel at the Pantheon's Dome

The Pantheon's open dome is a wonder to behold, especially when it rains. Learn about its history and architectural significance during your visit.

8. Find a Giant Foot

Search for a massive marble foot on Via del Pie' di Marmo, a remnant of a statue of the Egyptian goddess Isis, and keep an eye out for other giant limbs around Rome.

9. Experience Rome at Night

Rome's beauty is amplified at night. Join the locals for an evening stroll and enjoy attractions like the Trevi Fountain and Piazza Navona under the stars.

10. Tour the Catacombs

Explore the eerie yet fascinating Catacombs of St. Callisto and St. Sebastian, offering a glimpse into early Christian burial practices.

Address: Via Appia Antica 136, Rome

11. Uncover Layers of History at San Clemente

At the Church of San Clemente, discover a church built atop another church, which itself was built over a Roman house. It's a unique archaeological experience.

Address: Via di San Giovanni in Laterano 108, Rome

12. Make a Wish at Trevi Fountain

Join the tradition of throwing a coin into the Trevi Fountain to ensure a return to Rome. The collected coins support charitable causes.

13. Shop for a Picnic at Campo dei Fiori

Gather fresh produce and local delicacies at Campo dei Fiori's vibrant market, then head to a nearby park for a delightful family picnic.

14. Time Travel at Time Elevator Rome

Experience Rome's history in a thrilling 3D ride at Time Elevator Rome, perfect for engaging kids with the city's past.

Official site: Time Elevator

15. Visit Nero's Golden House

Explore the opulent Domus Aurea, Emperor Nero's grand palace, and marvel at the ancient luxury preserved beneath the city.

Address: Via della Domus Aurea, Rome

Family-Friendly Hotels in Rome

Choose from a selection of hotels that cater to families, offering amenities like connecting rooms, rooftop terraces, and convenient locations.

More Rome Travel Resources

Discover more about Rome's attractions, including detailed guides on the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and the city's top museums and palaces.

For day trips, consider the beautiful gardens and attractions of Tivoli, easily accessible from Rome.