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Explore 16 Highlights & Stays in Paris' Latin Quarter

Discover the Latin Quarter: Paris' Bohemian Heart

The Latin Quarter of Paris is a hub of academic history and Bohemian charm, with its atmospheric cafés, bookshops, and student life. It's a district that dates back to the Middle Ages, named for the Latin-speaking scholars at the Université de Paris, particularly La Sorbonne.

Encompassing parts of the 5th and 6th arrondissements, the Latin Quarter's medieval streets, like Boulevard Saint-Michel, are filled with hidden gems, from ancient churches to Roman ruins and lively bistros.

Exploring the Latin Quarter reveals a rich tapestry of culture, with casual eateries, cinemas, museums, and art galleries. It's a place where you can dine on Rue Mouffetard or browse the open-air bookshops along the Seine.

Museums in Paris

Top Attractions in the Latin Quarter

1. Musée de Cluny (Musée National du Moyen-Âge)

Musée de Cluny (Musée National du Moyen-Âge)

At the Cluny Museum, immerse yourself in medieval art within a 15th-century building atop a Roman bath complex. Marvel at the "Lady with the Unicorn" tapestries and the mysterious "À mon seul désir." Note: The museum is undergoing renovations and is set to reopen in early 2022.

Official site:

2. Panthéon


The Panthéon, a mausoleum for France's notable figures, stands on Montagne Sainte-Geneviève. Its Neoclassical design houses the remains of Victor Hugo, Voltaire, and Marie Curie. Climb the dome for panoramic views of Paris.

3. Eglise Saint-Sevérin Saint-Nicolas

Eglise Saint-Sevérin Saint-Nicolas

This Flamboyant Gothic church offers a spiritual atmosphere and hosts regular classical organ recitals.

4. Boulevard Saint-Michel & Place Saint-Michel

Boulevard Saint-Michel & Place Saint-Michel

The vibrant Boulevard Saint-Michel and Place Saint-Michel are the modern pulse of the Latin Quarter, complete with the Fontaine Saint-Michel, a symbol of good triumphing over evil.

5. Rue Mouffetard Restaurants

Café on Rue Mouffetard

Rue Mouffetard, or "La Mouffe," is a historic street bustling with eateries and street musicians, ending at the Place de la Contrescarpe.

6. Atmospheric Medieval Alleyways & Pedestrian Streets

Narrow street in the Latin Quarter

Get lost in the Latin Quarter's medieval alleyways, like Rue du Chat Qui Pêche, and enjoy the lively Rue de la Huchette, home to the jazz club Caveau de la Huchette.

7. Bouquinistes & Bookshops


Les Bouquinistes, the iconic riverside booksellers, and the famous English-language Shakespeare and Company bookshop are must-visits for book lovers.

8. Dining by the Seine River

Dining by the Seine River

Experience dining on a péniche, a docked boat restaurant like La Nouvelle Seine, or indulge in French gastronomy at the Michelin-starred Tour d'Argent.

9. Eglise Saint-Étienne-du-Mont

Eglise Saint-Etienne du Mont

This church showcases a blend of Gothic and Renaissance styles and houses the tombs of Pascal and Racine.

10. Place de l'Odeon

Place de l'Odeon

The elegant Place de l'Odeon is home to the Théâtre de l'Odéon and is a stone's throw from the Jardin du Luxembourg.

11. Eglise Saint-Julien-le-Pauvre

Eglise Saint-Julien-le-Pauvre

This High Gothic church is a historic landmark that also hosts classical music concerts.

12. Sorbonne Université

Sorbonne Université

La Sorbonne, a prestigious university, offers guided tours of its historic halls and chapel.

13. Jardin des Plantes & Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle

Jardin des Plantes & Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle

The Jardin des Plantes is a botanical garden with diverse flora and a natural history museum.

14. Arènes de Lutèce

Arènes de Lutèce

Discover the ancient Roman amphitheater, a hidden gem used for gladiator fights.

15. Grande Mosquée de Paris

Grande Mosquée de Paris

Visit the Grand Mosque for its Hispano-Moorish architecture and tranquil tea salon.

16. Musée National Eugène Delacroix

Place de Furstenberg

This museum, located in Delacroix's former apartment, showcases the artist's masterpieces.

For accommodation, the Latin Quarter offers options from luxury to budget hotels, all within reach of its vibrant streets and riverside serenity.

Join a guided walking tour to fully experience the Latin Quarter's history and culture, and don't miss the chance to be part of the café society, an essential Parisian experience.