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Ideal Period to Travel to Belize

Discover the Best Time to Visit Belize

Whether you're drawn to ancient Maya ruins, vibrant marine life, or tranquil beaches, Belize is a treasure trove of adventure. The optimal time to visit this Central American gem is during its dry season from December to May, offering the most favorable weather for outdoor activities.


  • Best Time of Year to Visit Belize
  • Best Month to Visit Belize
  • Best Time to Visit Belize for Diving
  • Things to Do in Belize by Month

Best Time of Year to Visit Belize

Waterfront bungalow in Belize

The dry season in Belize, spanning late November to May, is the ideal period for visitors to enjoy the country's natural beauty, from lush jungles to pristine coastlines. With average temperatures of 27-29°C and slightly cooler weather than the rest of the year, it's perfect for exploring Maya ruins and diving. Despite occasional showers, the dry season sees a gradual decrease in rainfall, with the least rain in March and April.

However, this season also attracts the most tourists, with peak crowds in December and March. For a quieter experience, consider visiting in November or May, when tourism dips by 30-40%.

Best Month to Visit Belize

Xunantunich Mayan ruins in Belize

March and April stand out as the best months to visit Belize, offering excellent weather and a host of cultural and sporting events. The La Ruta Maya Belize River Challenge and Easter celebrations are particular highlights, providing unique experiences for visitors. These months also allow for diverse activities, from exploring Maya ruins to wildlife encounters.

Best Time to Visit Belize for Diving

Scuba diving in Belize

For diving enthusiasts, April through June is the peak season, with ideal conditions for underwater exploration. This period is also the best time to swim with whale sharks, especially in April and May. The Great Blue Hole and the Belize Barrier Reef are must-visit dive sites, offering a rich marine biodiversity and unique underwater landscapes.

Things to Do in Belize by Month

Beach on the Belize cayes

Your interests will dictate the best time to visit Belize. If you prefer fewer crowds, September and October are ideal, though rainier. Culture enthusiasts should aim for March and April, while nature lovers might prefer the lush landscapes of August through October. Beachgoers will find January and February perfect for sunny, less crowded shores.

April and May are prime for marine wildlife encounters, particularly with whale sharks. Bird-watchers should visit from January to April to see migratory species, and performance art fans will enjoy the traditional dances in Dangriga during December. Lastly, February is excellent for visiting Maya ruins, with minimal rain and comfortable temperatures.