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Valencia's 17 Best Tourist Spots

Valencia, a Mediterranean port town, is often described as "a piece of heaven fallen to earth." With its palm-lined plazas and vibrant churches, Valencia is a city where historic charm meets modern vibrancy.

Once the capital of the Kingdom of Valencia, the city boasts cultural treasures like the 15th-century Silk Exchange and the Museum of Fine Arts. Valencia's Ciutat Vella (Old Town) is a hub of history, while the City of Arts and Sciences propels visitors into a world of futuristic discovery.

For a comprehensive guide on the best attractions and activities in Valencia, Spain, continue reading.

See also: Where to Stay in Valencia

1. La Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències

La Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències

Explore the intersection of art and science at the futuristic La Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències. Designed by Santiago Calatrava and Félix Candela, this complex features an IMAX cinema, landscaped walks, interactive museum exhibits, Europe's largest aquarium, an opera house, and a concert space.

Address: 7 Avenida del Professor López Piñero, València

Official site:

2. Las Fallas Festival

Las Fallas Festival

March in Valencia is marked by the Fiesta de San José, a vibrant festival with music, parades, fireworks, and the burning of fallas, large papier-mâché figures. The Fallas Museum showcases the evolution of these figures over time.

Address: Plaza Monteolivete 4, València

3. Oceanogràfic de València

Oceanogràfic de Valencia

Europe's largest aquarium, Oceanogràfic de València, designed by Félix Candela, showcases marine ecosystems and over 45,000 sea creatures. Highlights include a shark tunnel and the Submarine Restaurant.

Address: 1 Carrer d'Eduardo Primo Yúfera, València

Official site:

4. La Lonja de la Seda

La Lonja de la Seda

La Lonja de la Seda, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a 15th-century Gothic masterpiece that once housed the Silk Exchange. Its crenellated exterior and stellar vaulting are a sight to behold.

Address: Plaza del Mercado, València

5. Go Shopping at Mercado Central

Mercado Central

Mercado Central, an Art Nouveau market, offers fresh local produce and is adjacent to the historic Iglesia de los Santos Juanes.

Address: Plaza de la Ciutat de Bruges, València

Official site:

6. Iglesia de San Nicolás de Bari y San Pedro Mártir de València

Frescoes at St. Nicholas of Bari and St. Peter the Martyr Church

The church of St. Nicholas and St. Peter the Martyr, with its lavish Baroque frescoes, is often likened to Rome's Sistine Chapel.

Address: 35 Calle de los Caballeros, València

7. Admire the Catedral de València

Valencia Cathedral

The Catedral de València, a blend of architectural styles, houses the Holy Chalice and features a museum with works by Goya. Climb El Miguelete for city views.

Address: Plaza de l'Almoina, València

Official site:

8. Plaza de la Virgen

Neptune Fountain on the Plaza de la Virgen

The Plaza de la Virgen, with its Neptune fountain and historic buildings, is a picturesque and ancient square in Valencia.

9. Iglesia de Santo Tomás y San Felipe Neri

Iglesia de Santo Tomás y San Felipe Neri

The Church of Saint Thomas and Saint Philip Neri, with its blue-tiled dome and Baroque façade, is a National Historic Monument.

Address: Plaza de San Vicente Ferrer, València

10. Meet the Animals at Bioparc València

Elephants at Bioparc

Bioparc València is a zoo that simulates African habitats for its animals, emphasizing sustainability and conservation.

Address: 3 Avenida Pío Baroja, València

11. Museo Arqueológico de la Almoina

Museo Arqueológico de la Almoina

La Almoina Archaeological Museum showcases Valencia's Roman, Christian, and Moorish past through well-preserved ruins.

Address: Plaza Décimo Junio Bruto, València

12. Palacio del Marqués de Dos Aguas (Ceramics Museum)

Palacio del Marqués de Dos Aguas (Ceramics Museum)

The Palacio del Marqués de Dos Aguas, an 18th-century palace, now houses a ceramics museum with a diverse collection, including works by Picasso.

Address: 2 Calle Poeta Querol, València

13. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de València

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Valencia

The National Museum of Fine Arts in Valencia features a rich collection of medieval to modern art, including works by Goya and Velázquez.

Address: 9 Calle San Pío V, València

14. Institut València d'Art Moderne

Institut València d'Art Moderne

The Valencia Institute of Modern Art showcases 20th-century avant-garde art and hosts temporary exhibitions and workshops.

Address: 118 Calle Guillem de Castro, València

Official site:

15. Torres de Serranos (Ancient Town Gate)

Torres de Serranos (Ancient Town Gate)

The Torres de Serranos, an ancient gate, offers panoramic views of Valencia and is a symbol of the city's history.

Address: Plaza dels Furs, València

16. Spend a Day at Playa del Saler

Playa del Saler

Playa del Saler, a popular beach near Valencia, offers a serene escape within the La Albufera Natural Park.

17. Day Trip to the Medieval Town of Requena

The medieval town of Requena

Requena, a medieval town near Valencia, features a Moorish castle, historic churches, and the Fuente Podrida spa resort.