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Best 12 Attractions in St. Barts for Travelers

Discover St. Barts: A Caribbean Jewel

St. Barts, a gem in the Caribbean, is synonymous with luxury, boasting European flair, stunning beaches, and a haven for celebrities. With no high-rise resorts, the island offers boutique hotels and private villas nestled among lush greenery.

The capital, Gustavia, reflects its French influence and Swedish heritage, offering high-end shopping, gourmet dining, and historical sites like Fort Gustave and the Wall House Museum.

Adventurous visitors can enjoy water sports such as kitesurfing and snorkeling in the island's marine reserve, while the cultural calendar is filled with festivals celebrating film, music, and local traditions.

For more information on the island's attractions, visit the best places to visit in St. Barts and check out the best beaches in France. To explore at your own pace, consider renting a car in France. For accommodation options, see highly-rated hotels in Saint Barthélemy.

Top Attractions in St. Barts

1. Saline Beach (Anse de Grande Saline)

Saline Beach (Anse de Grande Saline)

Saline Beach is a secluded cove with turquoise waters, ideal for sunbathing and bodysurfing.

2. Gustavia


Gustavia is a bustling port with luxury yachts, shopping, and dining, plus historical sites like Shell Beach and Fort Karl.

3. St. Jean

St. Jean

St. Jean is a tourist hub with a beautiful beach, luxury accommodations, and the island's only airport.

4. Gouverneur Beach (Anse du Gouverneur)

Gouverneur Beach (Anse du Gouverneur)

Gouverneur Beach offers a tranquil setting with white sands and calm waters.

5. Flamands Beach (Anse des Flamands)

Flamands Beach (Anse des Flamands)

Flamands Beach is wide and picturesque, perfect for swimming and surfing.

6. Lorient


Lorient features a historic church, a surf-friendly beach, and local culture.

7. Colombier Beach (Anse de Colombier)

Colombier Beach (Anse de Colombier)

Colombier Beach, accessible only by hike or boat, is a secluded paradise.

8. Corossol


Corossol is a quaint fishing village with a beach and local crafts.

9. Kitesurfing at Grand Cul de Sac Beach

Kitesurfing at Grand Cul de Sac Beach

Grand Cul de Sac Beach is a hotspot for kitesurfing and other water sports.

10. Snorkeling and Diving the Nature Reserve of Saint-Barthélemy

Nature Reserve of Saint-Barthélemy

The Nature Reserve of Saint-Barthélemy is a protected area for diverse marine life.

11. Fort Gustave

Fort Gustave

Fort Gustave offers panoramic views of Gustavia's harbor.

12. Festivals


St. Barts hosts various festivals, including film and music events.

Other Must-See Islands in the French West Indies


Explore French culture and cuisine on other islands like Guadeloupe and Martinique, known for their natural beauty and hiking trails.