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Explore 11 Best Montepulciano Sites & Activities

Discover Montepulciano's Timeless Charm

Montepulciano, a Tuscan town encased in medieval walls, boasts a harmonious blend of medieval and Renaissance architecture, with a hint of Baroque flair in its churches. Likely founded by the Etruscans, the town's noble families have preserved its Renaissance beauty. Nestled on a picturesque hill, Montepulciano itself is a major draw for visitors. Explore the top attractions and things to do in Montepulciano.

1. Piazza Grande

Piazza Grande

Piazza Grande, the heart of Montepulciano, is surrounded by significant structures like the Palazzo Comunale, designed by Michelozzo, and the Palazzo Contucci, showcasing frescoes by Andrea Pozzo. Climb the tower of Palazzo Comunale for breathtaking Tuscan views. Don't forget to rent a small car for the narrow roads.

2. Duomo (Cathedral)

The duomo at dusk

The Duomo, built on an older church's site, features an unfinished facade and houses Renaissance art, including a triptych by Taddeo di Bártolo and a panel painting by Sano di Pietro.

Adventurous things to do in Montepulciano

3. San Biagio

San Biagio

San Biagio, a Renaissance masterpiece by Antonio da Sangallo the Elder, is a travertine church with a Greek cross plan and a high dome. Its interior and nearby canónica, now a museum, are adorned with 16th-century frescoes.

4. Museo Cívico (Municipal Museum)

Painting in the Museo Cívico

The Museo Cívico in Palazzo Neri Orselli displays archaeological finds, Renaissance paintings, and terra-cottas by Andrea della Robbia, reflecting the region's Etruscan and Roman heritage.

5. Sant'Agostino


Sant'Agostino features a Renaissance façade by Michelozzo and a Gothic structure. Inside, find a wooden crucifix attributed to Donatello.

6. Day Trip to Chiusi


Chiusi, an ancient Etruscan and Roman city, is home to the Museo Nazionale Etrusco, which showcases Etruscan artifacts and offers insights into their culture.

7. Torre del Pulcinella and Via Gracciano nel Corso

Torre del Pulcinella

The Torre del Pulcinella features a bell-ringing character from commedia dell'arte. Via Gracciano nel Corso is the main street leading to Piazza Grande, offering a view of the tower.

8. Museo della Tortura

The Museo della Tortura in Palazzo Bellarmino exhibits medieval to 18th-century torture devices, complete with historical illustrations.

9. Santa Maria dei Servi

Santa Maria dei Servi

This 14th-century church, just outside the town walls, has a Gothic exterior and a Baroque interior with notable frescoes.

10. Sant'Agnese

Church of Sant'Agnese

Sant'Agnese, dedicated to the town's patron saint, features a Gothic portal and a 17th-century reliquary.

11. Palazzo Avignonesi

Marzocco lion

Designed by Giácomo da Vignola, Palazzo Avignonesi is a Late Renaissance building with a façade featuring a Marzocco lion symbolizing Florentine authority.

Where to Stay in Montepulciano for Sightseeing

Choose from several highly-rated hotels and B&Bs in the town center, offering free parking and close proximity to attractions. Options include the luxurious La Locanda di San Francesco, the boutique Palazzo Carletti, the historic Albergo Il Marzocco, and the modest La Terrazza di Montepulciano.

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