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18 Best Seville Attractions & Activities

Discover Seville: A Guide to the City's Enchantments

Seville, with its charming cobblestone streets and palm-lined promenades, offers a magical atmosphere reminiscent of its flamboyant festivals and flamenco performances. The city is home to the largest Gothic church in the world and the stunning Alcázar, both showcasing the region's Moorish past.

From the medieval Barrio de Santa Cruz to the spacious Parque de María Luisa and Plaza de España, Seville is a treasure trove of cultural attractions. For more information on where to stay, visit Where to Stay in Seville.

1. Catedral de Sevilla

Catedral de Sevilla

The Catedral de Sevilla, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the world's largest Gothic cathedral. It features the iconic La Giralda tower, a vast nave, and the Capilla Mayor with its exquisite retablo. The Patio de los Naranjos and the Biblioteca Colombina are also part of its rich heritage.

2. Real Alcázar

Real Alcázar

The Real Alcázar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a palace that captivates with its Mudéjar style and lush gardens. It has served as a film set for "Game of Thrones" and "Star Wars" and remains an official royal residence. For more details, visit

3. Parque de María Luisa and Plaza de España

Parque de María Luisa and Plaza de España

The Plaza de España, within the Parque de María Luisa, is a grand square with a canal and a fountain. The park, once the site of the Exposición Iberoamericana, is filled with lush gardens and Moorish fountains.

4. Barrio de Santa Cruz

Barrio de Santa Cruz

The Barrio de Santa Cruz, nestled between the cathedral and the Alcázar, is a picturesque neighborhood with a rich history as the former Jewish quarter. It's filled with narrow lanes, charming plazas, and historic museums.

5. Museo de Bellas Artes

Museo de Bellas Artes

The Museo de Bellas Artes houses an impressive collection of Spanish paintings, with a focus on works from the 17th century. It's located in the former Convento de la Merced Calzada.

6. Iglesia Colegial del Divino Salvador

Iglesia Colegial del Divino Salvador

The Iglesia Colegial del Divino Salvador is a Baroque church with a richly decorated interior. It stands on the site of Seville's old mosque and includes a courtyard with orange trees.

7. Santa Semana (Holy Week Festival)

Santa Semana (Holy Week Festival)

Semana Santa is a vibrant festival with processions and ceremonies, particularly in the cathedral. The Basílica Menor de la Santísima María de la Esperanza Macarena is a key site associated with the event.

8. Museo del Baile Flamenco (Museum of Flamenco Dance)

Museo del Baile Flamenco (Museum of Flamenco Dance)

The Museo del Baile Flamenco offers a deep dive into the art of flamenco, with exhibits, costumes, and daily performances. For more information, visit Seville's Flamenco Museum.

9. Real Maestranza de Caballería de Sevilla

Real Maestranza (Royal Bullring of Seville)

The Real Maestranza is a historic bullring with a Baroque design and a museum showcasing the art of bullfighting.

10. Barrio de Triana

Barrio de Triana

The Barrio de Triana is known for its ceramics and vibrant community, with workshops and riverfront dining options.

11. Casa de Pilatos

Casa de Pilatos

The Casa de Pilatos is a National Monument featuring Mudéjar style with Renaissance and Baroque elements.

12. Museo Arqueológico de Sevilla

Museo Arqueológico de Sevilla

The Archaeological Museum of Seville showcases artifacts from various historical periods, including the Itálica site.

13. Ayuntamiento de Sevilla (Town Hall)

Ayuntamiento de Sevilla (Town Hall)

The 15th-century town hall features Plateresque and Neoclassical designs and houses important artistic works.

14. Palacio de la Condesa de Lebrija

Palacio de la Condesa de Lebrija

The Palacio Lebrija is an aristocratic mansion with a collection of archaeological treasures and paintings. For more information, visit

15. Monasterio de Santa Paula

Monasterio de Santa Paula

The Monasterio de Santa Paula is a historic monastery with an art collection and a tradition of handmade confections.

16. Archivo General de Indias

Archivo General de Indias

The Archivo General de Indias contains documents from Spain's colonial era and presents exhibits on the Age of Exploration.

17. Torre del Oro

Tower of Gold (Torre del Oro)

The Torre del Oro is a historic tower that now houses the Museo Marítimo de Sevilla with maritime exhibits and panoramic views.

18. Metropol Parasol

Metropol Parasol

The Metropol Parasol offers city views and houses a tapas restaurant and the Antiquarium archaeological site.

Where to Stay in Seville for Sightseeing

For convenient access to Seville's attractions, stay in the historic center near the cathedral and Alcázar. The Barrio de Santa Cruz and Alameda district offer a range of accommodations, from small hotels to luxury stays like the Hotel Alfonso XIII and Hotel Colón Gran Meliá.