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14 Best Salamanca Attractions & Activities

Exploring the UNESCO World Heritage City of Salamanca is like walking through a living museum, rich with historic treasures such as the ancient university, majestic cathedrals, and inspiring convents. Salamanca's vibrant student population infuses the city with youthful energy, complementing its historical ambiance.

Wandering the old cobblestone streets, visitors can soak in the golden glow of the Villamayor stone buildings by day and enjoy their stunning illumination at night. The city's top attractions and activities offer a glimpse into its enchanting past.

See also: Where to Stay in Salamanca

1. Plaza Mayor

Plaza Mayor

Plaza Mayor, the city's grand square, is surrounded by arcaded buildings designed by Alberto de Churriguera and Andrés García de Quiñones. It has been a venue for ceremonies and bullfights and now hosts lively cafes and restaurants, especially vibrant at night.

2. Catedral Nueva (New Cathedral)

Catedral Nueva (New Cathedral)

The New Cathedral, a blend of Gothic, Plateresque, and Baroque styles, stands beside the Old Cathedral. Its impressive interior features art masterpieces and a 110-meter-high tower with a beautiful dome.

3. Casa de las Conchas (House of Shells)

Casa de las Conchas (House of Shells)

This 15th-century palace is adorned with over 300 scallop shells and now houses the Salamanca Public Library. Visitors can explore the inner courtyard and admire the Mudejar and Gothic elements.

4. Catedral Vieja de Santa María de la Sede (Old Cathedral)

Catedral Vieja de Santa María de la Sede (Old Cathedral)

The Old Cathedral, a Romanesque gem, offers a tranquil atmosphere and houses significant tombs and a 12th-century cloister.

5. Casa Lis: Museo Art Nouveau y Art Déco

Art Nouveau and Art Deco Museum

Casa Lis showcases decorative arts from the late 19th to early 20th centuries, including jewelry, glass, and paintings by notable artists.

6. Old Town Landmarks

Salamanca's Old Town

The Old Town is home to Salamanca's main attractions, including the Roman Bridge and the Palacio de la Salina. The Huerto de Calixto y Melibea garden offers beautiful views and a romantic setting.

7. Convento de San Esteban

Convento de San Esteban

This Dominican monastery features a church with a lavish Plateresque facade and a cloister adorned with exquisite medallions.

8. Salamanca University's Historic Buildings

Salamanca University

The prestigious Salamanca University, founded in 1218, is known for its Plateresque architecture and historical significance.

9. La Clerecía: A 17th-Century Baroque Church

Clerecía Church

La Clerecía boasts a Baroque facade and cloister, and now serves as the headquarters of Salamanca Pontificia University.

10. Convento de las Dueñas

Cloister of the Convento de las Dueñas

This 15th-century convent features Mudéjar architecture and a Renaissance cloister with unique sculptures.

11. Museo de Historia de la Automoción de Salamanca

Museum of Automotive History

The museum showcases an extensive collection of antique vehicles and the history of auto manufacturing.

12. Domus Artium (Museum of Contemporary Art)

Domus Artium (Museum of Contemporary Art)

This contemporary art museum, housed in a former prison, features avant-garde works and art created with novel technologies.

13. Day Trip to Zamora


Zamora, known for its Romanesque churches, is a short trip from Salamanca and offers a glimpse into Spain's medieval past.

14. Visit El Campillo

El Campillo

El Campillo is home to the ancient Visigothic church, Iglesia de San Pedro de la Nave, famous for its carved capitals.

Where to Stay in Salamanca for Sightseeing

Salamanca's Old Town is the hub for sightseeing, with a variety of accommodations ranging from luxury to budget hotels, all within walking distance of the city's main attractions.