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Explore Top 12 Montmartre Sights & Stays in Paris

Discover Montmartre: Paris' Bohemian Treasure

Montmartre is a picturesque district in Paris, known for its cobblestone streets and historic charm. Once a separate village, it now stands as the 18th arrondissement, offering a unique escape from the city's hustle and bustle.

Artists have long been drawn to Montmartre's enchanting atmosphere, contributing to its Bohemian legacy. The area is dotted with sidewalk cafés, merry-go-rounds, and spontaneous street performances, creating a vibrant sense of joie de vivre.

The iconic Sacré-Coeur Basilica sits atop Montmartre's highest point, surrounded by panoramic views and lively crowds. Nearby, art lovers can explore the Place du Tertre, an open-air gallery, and museums showcasing works by Renoir, Picasso, Dalí, and Toulouse Lautrec.

Strolling through Montmartre's lanes reveals hidden gems like old churches, quaint bakeries, and artists' studios. The neighborhood is rich with attractions, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in its cultural offerings.

See also: Where to Stay near Montmartre

1. Basilique du Sacré-Coeur

Basilique du Sacré-Coeur

The Sacré-Coeur Basilica, perched on the Butte Montmartre, is a symbol of hope built after the Franco-Prussian War. Its Romanesque-Byzantine architecture and grand mosaic of Christ en Gloire create an awe-inspiring sanctuary. The basilica also features a Grand Organ, with public performances on select days.

Visitors can climb to the Dome for a breathtaking view of Paris, or enjoy the lively Sacré-Coeur Esplanade and the serene Place Louise-Michel below.

Address: 35 Rue du Chevalier-de-la-Barre, 75018 Paris

Official site:

2. Place du Tertre and Eglise Saint-Pierre de Montmartre

Place du Tertre

The Place du Tertre buzzes with artists and is framed by historic eateries. Nearby, the Paroisse Saint-Pierre de Montmartre church stands as a testament to the area's medieval roots and Gothic architecture.

3. Musée de Montmartre

Musée du Montmartre

The Musée du Montmartre captures the district's artistic past, displaying works by notable artists who frequented the area. The surrounding Renoir Gardens offer stunning views and a quaint café.

Address: 12 Rue Cortot, 75018 Paris

Official site:

4. Place des Abbesses

Abbesses Metro station

The Place des Abbesses is home to the charming Art Nouveau Abbesses Métro station and is a hub of local life with shops, restaurants, and a carousel for children.

5. Dalí Paris Museum

Espace Dalí

The Dalí Paris museum showcases the largest collection of Salvador Dalí's work in France, including his intriguing sculptures.

Address: 11 Rue Poulbot, 75018 Paris

Official site:

6. Carré Roland Dorgelès

Carré Roland Dorgelès

This tranquil square evokes Montmartre's village past, with the historic cabaret Au Lapin Agile offering a glimpse into the area's artistic heritage.

7. Le Moulin de la Galette: Windmills

Moulin de la Galette: Windmills

The Moulin de la Galette windmills are a nostalgic symbol of Montmartre's history, inspiring artists like Renoir and Van Gogh.

8. Montmartre Cemetery

Montmartre Cemetery

The Montmartre Cemetery is a romantic resting place for many artists who shaped the district's golden age.

9. Le Bateau Lavoir: A Famous Artists' Atelier

Le Bateau-Lavoir: A Famous Artists' Atelier

Le Bateau Lavoir, a former piano factory, is where Picasso and other artists pioneered Cubism.

Address: 13 Place Emile-Goudeau, 75018 Paris

10. Musée de la Vie Romantique

Musée de la Vie Romantique

This museum celebrates the Romantic era with a collection of Beaux-Arts and memorabilia from the period's influential figures.

Address: Hôtel Scheffer-Renan, 16 Rue Chaptal 75009 Paris

Official site:

11. Musée National Gustave Moreau

Musée National Gustave Moreau

This museum, once the home of Gustave Moreau, displays a vast collection of his Symbolist works.

Address: 14 Rue de La Rochefoucauld, 75009 Paris

Official site:

12. Musée d'Art Naïf - Max Fourny

Musée d'Art Naïf Max Fourny

This museum presents a modern take on Montmartre's art scene, featuring Max Fourny's naïve art and other folk art collections.

Address: Halle Saint-Pierre, 2 Rue Ronsard, 75018 Paris

Where to Stay near Montmartre for Sightseeing

Montmartre offers a range of accommodations, from luxury hotels with stunning views to budget-friendly options close to the area's attractions.

Tips and Tours: How to Make the Most of Your Visit to Montmartre

  • Tours of Montmartre: Join a guided walking tour to explore the neighborhood's history and art.
  • Guided Art Museum Tour: Take a tour that includes Montmartre's art landmarks and skip-the-line access to the Musée d'Orsay.
  • Exploring Montmartre: Wander the streets and staircases to discover Montmartre's charm on your own.

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