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9 Best Jaffa Sights & Activities

Discover Jaffa: A Stone's Throw from Tel Aviv

Located just a short walk from the hustle of Tel Aviv, Jaffa offers a tranquil retreat with its traditional stone architecture. It's a perfect spot for those looking to escape the city's pace without venturing too far. For those willing to navigate the roads, car rental is an option.

While Jaffa may not be brimming with typical tourist attractions, its charm lies in leisurely strolls and café-hopping. The area has seen a surge in gentrification, with an influx of art galleries and trendy boutiques, making it a delightful place for weekend browsing.

As evening approaches, Jaffa's café culture and dining scene come alive. For those exploring the old town, here's a list of top attractions to consider, and remember, a comfortable stay doesn't always come with a hefty price tag, as many hotels offer cozy rooms at affordable rates.

1. Crusaders and Churches: St. Peter's Monastery

St Peter's Monastery

St. Peter's Monastery, a Roman Catholic church in Baroque style, stands atop a 13th-century Crusader castle. It's a prominent Jaffa landmark honoring Apostle Peter's visit. Visitors can explore the church's interior and its striking frescoes.

Location: Kedumim Square, Jaffa

2. Junk and Treasure: Jaffa Flea Market

Junk and Treasure: Jaffa Flea Market

The Jaffa Flea Market is a treasure trove for those looking to find unique items. Haggling is part of the experience, and the surrounding area offers numerous spots for dining and relaxation.

Location: Off Olei Zion Street, Jaffa

3. Jaffa Time: Clock Tower

Jaffa Time: Clock Tower

The limestone clock tower, erected in 1906, is a significant Jaffa landmark and one of the seven Ottoman-era clock towers in the region.

Address: Yefet Street, Jaffa

4. Green Space: HaPisgah Gardens

HaPisgah Gardens

HaPisgah Gardens offer serene views of Tel Aviv and the Mediterranean, connected to Jaffa by the wooden "wishing bridge." The gardens also feature archaeological finds from various historical periods.

5. Great Mosque

Great Mosque

The Great Mosque, with its unique architecture featuring upside-down Roman columns, reflects the history and cultural blend of Jaffa.

6. House of Simon the Tanner

House of Simon the Tanner

This site, now a small mosque, is believed to be where Apostle Peter stayed, marking a pivotal moment in the separation of Christianity from Judaism.

Location: Off HaMigdalor Street, Jaffa

7. Down by the Sea: Jaffa's Harbor

Jaffa's Harbor

Once a bustling port, Jaffa's Harbor is now a quaint spot for pleasure boats, offering picturesque views and a connection to Greek mythology.

8. Old Jaffa Visitor Center

The Old Jaffa Visitor Center combines tourist information with a glimpse into the town's history through archaeological exhibits and an audiovisual presentation.

9. A Slice of Art: IIana Goor Museum

Ilana Goor Museum

Located in a historic building, the Ilana Goor Museum showcases an eclectic mix of art and offers stunning sea views.

Address: Mazal Dagim Street, Tel Aviv-Yafo

Tips and Tours: How to Make the Most of Your Visit to Jaffa

  • Free walking tours are available on Wednesdays, starting from the tourist office on Marzuk Street.
  • Find the best dining and café options along Yefet Street and Olei Zion Street.
  • On Thursday nights in summer, the Flea Market area comes alive with music and entertainment.

Getting There

  • Jaffa is a short walk from Tel Aviv, following the seafront.
  • Buses No. 18 and No. 25 from Tel Aviv stop at Jaffa's clock tower.