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Indonesia's 18 Best Tourist Hotspots

Discover Indonesia's Top Attractions

Indonesia's vast archipelago offers a spectrum of experiences, from ancient temples and vibrant cities to remote villages and pristine natural landscapes. With over 17,000 islands, travelers can find adventures like hiking volcanoes, diving in unspoiled waters, and exploring rich cultural heritage sites. Whether you're soaking up the atmosphere in Jakarta or standing in awe of the Anak Krakatau volcano, Indonesia promises an unforgettable journey.

For a comprehensive guide to the best sights, visit the top attractions in Indonesia. To find the best hotel deals, check out hotels in Indonesia.

1. Beaches of Bali

Beach in Bali

Bali is Indonesia's most famous island, known for its stunning beaches and cultural landmarks. The island's coastlines, such as Kuta, Nusa Dua, and Sanur, offer a mix of lively resorts and serene spots perfect for sunbathing, surfing, and water sports. Discover more about Bali's beaches here.

2. Borobudur


The 8th-century Borobudur temple is Indonesia's iconic Buddhist site, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Located near Yogyakarta, this massive temple complex is best experienced at sunrise.

3. Orangutans of Borneo

Orangutans in Borneo

Borneo's Tanjung Puting National Park and Bohorok Orangutan Centre in Sumatra are sanctuaries for the endangered orangutans, offering visitors a chance to see these magnificent creatures up close.

4. Gili Islands

Gili Islands

The Gili Islands near Lombok are known for their idyllic beaches and marine life, including a turtle sanctuary and hatchery.

5. Komodo National Park

Komodo National Park

Home to the famous komodo dragons, this UNESCO site offers hiking, snorkeling, and the unique Pink Beach.

6. Sacred Monkey Forest, Ubud

Sacred Monkey Forest, Ubud

In the cultural heart of Bali, Ubud's Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary is a place of spiritual significance and natural beauty, inhabited by long-tailed macaques.

7. Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo

Part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, Mount Bromo is an active volcano offering stunning sunrise views and cultural insights into the Tenggerese people.

8. Tana Toraja

Tongkonan, traditional homes

Tana Toraja in South Sulawesi is renowned for its traditional Tongkonan houses and the Toraja people's elaborate funeral ceremonies.

9. Kalimantan, Borneo

Dayak village on the Kayan River

Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo, is an ecological treasure trove with indigenous Dayak culture and diverse wildlife.

10. Lake Toba

Lake Toba

Lake Toba, a super volcano crater lake, offers a mix of outdoor activities and a glimpse into the powerful natural forces that shaped it.

11. Mount Krakatau

Mount Krakatau

The legendary volcano Krakatau and its offspring, Anak Krakatau, are reminders of Indonesia's volatile landscape.

12. Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat is a stunning archipelago with some of the world's most biodiverse coral reefs, making it a diver's paradise.

13. Gunung Rinjani

Gunung Rinjani

Lombok's Gunung Rinjani offers challenging treks with rewards of breathtaking views and encounters with diverse wildlife.

14. Pura Tanah Lot

Pura Tanah Lot

Pura Tanah Lot is a sea temple in Bali that captivates visitors with its stunning location and sunset views.

15. Banda Islands

Banda Islands

The remote Banda Islands are a hidden gem for divers and history buffs, once central to the spice trade.

16. Jatiluwih Rice Fields, Bali

Jatiluwih Rice Fields, Bali

The UNESCO-listed Jatiluwih Rice Fields in Bali are a testament to the island's agricultural heritage and natural beauty.

17. Jakarta

Jakarta at sunset

Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, offers a bustling metropolis with shopping, museums, and a glimpse into the country's colonial past.

18. Flores

Wae Rebo village, Flores, Indonesia

Flores is an island of natural splendor, featuring the tri-colored lakes of Kelimutu volcano and traditional villages.