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Explore 16 Best Sardinia Attractions & Activities

Discover Sardinia: A Gem Beyond the Emerald Coast

While Sardinia's Costa Smeralda is renowned for its stunning white-sand beaches and emerald waters, the island offers much more, from rugged mountains to prehistoric nuraghi towers. Visitors are often surprised by the island's diverse landscape and rich history, which includes Roman streets and Phoenician ruins.

Sardinia's unique culture, festivals, cuisine, and language (alongside Italian and English) make it a truly distinctive destination. Here are some of the top attractions to explore on this enchanting island.

1. Cagliari and the Costa Sud

The capital, Cagliari, is a starting point for many travelers. Highlights include the panoramic views from Bastione San Remy and the treasures at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale. Nearby, the Costa Sud boasts beautiful beaches like Porto Campana and Spiaggia Sa Colonia, as well as the ancient city of Nora. For a luxurious stay, consider the Forte Village Resort.

2. Tour Nuraghe Su Nuraxi

Nuraghe Su Nuraxi is the best-preserved nuraghe, a UNESCO-recognized site dating back to 1500 BC. Visitors can explore its complex structure and appreciate the engineering skills of the Bronze Age inhabitants.

Guided tours in Sardinia

3. Visit the Costa Smeralda

The Costa Smeralda, developed by the Aga Khan in the 1960s, is a playground for the wealthy, with secluded beaches and luxury resorts like Porto Cervo and Cannigione. L'ea Bianca Luxury Resort epitomizes the area's opulence.

4. Alghero

Alghero retains a Spanish influence from its past under Aragonese control. Notable sites include the Catalan-speaking church of San Francesco and the Spanish-built walls for sunset views. Villa las Tronas Hotel & Spa offers regal accommodations.

5. Nuraghe Losa

Nuraghe Losa stands out for its interior lighting and complex structure. A small museum displays artifacts found at the site.

6. Arzachena Prehistoric Sites

Near the Costa Smeralda, Arzachena's prehistoric sites include nuraghi, giants' graves, and the necropolis of Li Muri. The Tenuta Pilastru offers a rustic stay with an excellent restaurant.

7. Santa Cristina Nuraghe and the Holy Well

The well-preserved holy well and nuraghe at Santa Cristina provide a glimpse into the island's ancient past, complete with a prehistoric village and a 12th-century church.

8. Nuoro and the Gennargentu

Nuoro, perched on a mountain ridge, is a gateway to the Gennargentu mountains and traditional villages like Mamoiada. The Museo Etnografico Sardo showcases Sardinian traditions and costumes.

9. Valle dei Nuraghi (Valley of Nuraghi)

This valley is dotted with prehistoric sites, including the impressive Nuraghe Santu Antine and the ancient tombs at Sant'Andrea Priu.

10. Enjoy the Beaches of Capo Testa

Capo Testa's beaches, such as Rena di Ponente and Rena Bianca, offer stunning scenery with wind-sculpted rock formations and clear waters.

11. Arcipelago de la Maddalena (Maddalena Islands)

The Maddalena Islands, accessible by ferry from Palau, are known for their beaches and the historical significance of Giuseppe Garibaldi's home on Caprera.

12. Tharros

The archaeological site of Tharros lets visitors walk among the remnants of ancient civilizations, with a museum in Cabras displaying excavated artifacts.

13. Bosa

Bosa's medieval streets lead to the Malaspina Castle, with a 14th-century fresco cycle in its chapel. The coastal road to Alghero offers breathtaking views.

14. Castelsardo

The medieval village of Castelsardo features a castle with a basket-making museum and panoramic coastal views.

15. Grotta di Nettuno

Accessible by boat or a dramatic stairway, the Grotta di Nettuno is a stunning sea cave with stalactites and stalagmites.

16. Sassari

Sassari, known for its architectural styles and the Museo Nazionale Sanna, is also home to the Pisan church of Santissima Trinità di Saccargia with its striking frescoes.

Getting to Sardinia

Ferries and flights connect Sardinia to mainland Italy and other Mediterranean destinations, making the island easily accessible for travelers.

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