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16 Must-See Cuban Attractions & Destinations

Discover Cuba: A Land of Historic Charms and Natural Beauty

Cuba, the Caribbean's largest island, is a treasure trove of historical and cultural riches. From the enchanting melodies of live music in Old Havana to the timeless allure of its vintage cars and colonial architecture, Cuba is a nation seemingly paused in time.

The island's natural splendor is equally impressive, boasting over 5,000 kilometers of coastline adorned with pristine beaches and vibrant coral reefs. Cuba's scenic landscapes have captivated presidents, revolutionaries, and writers like Hemingway, offering a diverse array of activities including diving, fishing, and exploring its rich history.

1. Old Havana (Habana Vieja)

Plaza Vieja

Old Havana, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a living museum of Cuban history with its cobbled streets and grandiose Baroque and neoclassical buildings. Key sights include the Plaza de la Catedral, the iconic Bodeguita del Medio, and the formidable Castillo de la Real Fuerza. Don't miss the panoramic views from the camera obscura in Plaza Vieja.

2. Varadero


Varadero is a slice of paradise with its stunning white-sand beaches and a plethora of resorts. Attractions include the Parque Ecológico Varahicacos and the serene Parque Josone. Varadero is also a hub for water sports and cultural day trips.

3. Trinidad


Trinidad, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, transports visitors back to the colonial era with its well-preserved architecture and cobblestone streets. Highlights include the Plaza Mayor, the Church of the Holy Trinity, and the historic Valle de los Ingenios.

4. Guardalavaca


In the Holguin province, Guardalavaca offers a tranquil beach experience with lush surroundings and coral reefs. Nearby attractions include the Bahia de Naranjo and the archaeological site of Chorro de Maita.

5. Playa Paraíso, Cayo Largo del Sur

Playa Paraíso, Cayo Largo del Sur

Playa Paraíso on Cayo Largo del Sur is a beach lover's dream with its soft white sands and crystal-clear waters, merging seamlessly with Playa Sirena.

6. Cayo Coco

Cayo Coco

Cayo Coco, part of the Jardines del Rey archipelago, is a secluded beach destination known for its connection to Hemingway's literature. The island's beaches, like Playa Los Flamencos, are perfect for sunbathing and birdwatching.

7. Parque Nacional Viñales (Valle de Viñales)

Parque Nacional Viñales (Valle de Viñales)

The UNESCO-listed Parque Nacional Viñales is a stunning valley with unique limestone formations called mogotes. It's an ideal spot for hiking and horseback riding, with the nearby town of Viñales serving as a charming base for exploration.

8. Baracoa


Baracoa, Cuba's oldest city, is known for its colonial charm and lush surroundings, including the iconic El Yunque mountain and the scenic La Farola highway.

9. The Malecon, Havana

The Malecon, Havana

Havana's Malecon is a historic seafront promenade lined with a mix of architectural styles and a popular spot for socializing and enjoying the ocean views.

10. Che Guevara Mausoleum, Santa Clara

Che Guevara Mausoleum, Santa Clara

Santa Clara is home to the Che Guevara Mausoleum and the site of his last battle, offering a deep dive into revolutionary history.

11. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes

Havana's Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes showcases an extensive collection of international and Cuban art across two buildings.

12. Castillo de San Pedro del Morro, Santiago de Cuba

Castillo de San Pedro del Morro, Santiago de Cuba

The well-preserved Castillo de San Pedro del Morro fortress offers a glimpse into Cuba's colonial past and stunning bay views.

13. Peninsula de Zapata (Ciénaga de Zapata)

Peninsula de Zapata (Ciénaga de Zapata)

The Peninsula de Zapata is a vast wetland and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, perfect for birdwatching and exploring Cuba's natural ecosystems.

14. El Nicho Waterfalls

Poceta de Cristal in El Nicho National Park

El Nicho waterfalls, located in a national park, offer a picturesque setting for swimming and hiking amidst Cuba's central region.

15. Parque Historico Militar, Havana

Parque Historico Militar, Havana

Havana's Parque Historico Militar includes the historic El Morro and Fortaleza de San Carlos de la Cabana, with museums and nightly cannon-firing ceremonies.

16. Plaza de la Revolucion (Jose Marti Memorial), Havana

Plaza de la Revolucion (Jose Marti Memorial), Havana

The Plaza de la Revolucion is a significant historical site in Havana, featuring the Jose Marti Memorial and panoramic city views.