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Top 15 Must-See Destinations in China

Discover China's Top Tourist Destinations

China's vast landscape is dotted with attractions that range from ancient cities to modern metropolises. While the bustling hubs of Shanghai and Beijing are common starting points for visitors, smaller towns and cities also offer unique cultural experiences. With China's impressive infrastructure, travelers can easily indulge in city hopping to explore the country's rich heritage. For those seeking a personalized journey, renting a car is a viable option.

Embark on an adventure through China's most captivating destinations with our guide to the best places to visit.

1. Beijing: A Cultural Powerhouse

The Forbidden City in Beijing

As China's political heart for over 800 years, Beijing boasts iconic landmarks such as the Imperial Palace and the Forbidden City. The city's historic center is a treasure trove of attractions like the Temple of Heaven, Tian'anmen Square, and Beihai Park. Don't miss the Beijing Ancient Observatory and the Beijing National Stadium, also known as the "Bird's Nest." Beijing also serves as a gateway to the Great Wall of China.

Accommodation: Best Hotels in Beijing

2. Historic Xi'an: Terracotta Warriors and Ancient Relics

Terracotta warriors in Xian

Xi'an, a hub of textile production, is renowned for the Terracotta Army and its 6,000-year history. The city marks the beginning of the Silk Road and is home to the Pagoda of the Great Wild Goose and the Historical Museum of Shaanxi Province, among other historic sites.

3. Hong Kong: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a vibrant city where traditional Chinese culture meets colonial influences. Highlights include the Star Ferry, the view from Victoria Peak, and the bustling Temple Street Night Market. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy hiking trails and beaches.

Accommodation: Where to Stay in Hong Kong: Best Areas & Hotels

4. Guilin and Yangshuo: River Cruise and Rural Adventures

Li River, Guilin

A river cruise along the Li River between Guilin and Yangshuo offers breathtaking scenery. In Yangshuo, visitors can raft on the Yulong River, hike up Moon Hill, and witness the Liu San Jie Impression Light Show.

5. Shanghai: China's Cosmopolitan Giant


Shanghai, China's largest city, is a blend of historical and modern attractions. Explore the European-style the Bund, the serene Yu Garden, and the towering Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower. The city also features the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and Shanghai Disney.

Accommodation: Best Hotels in Shanghai

6. Chengdu: Home of the Giant Pandas

Anshun Bridge in Chengdu

Chengdu is synonymous with the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, where visitors can observe these beloved animals. The city also offers historic pagodas, bridges, and religious sites like the Monastery of Precious Light.

7. Ningbo and the Tianyi Ge Library

Ningbo and the Tianyi Ge Library

Ningbo, a historic port city, is famous for the Tianyi Ge Library, one of China's oldest libraries, and the towering Tianfeng Ta Pagoda. The city also boasts beautiful beaches and vibrant shopping and dining scenes.

8. Hangzhou and the Historic Grand Canal

The Gongchen Bridge over the Grand Canal in Hangzhou

Hangzhou, at the southern end of the Grand Canal, is known for its scenic West Lake and its legacy as the "Silk City." The city is also famous for its Dragon Well tea.

9. Qufu and Confucius

Entrance Gate, Confucius Graveyard

Qufu is revered as the birthplace of Confucius and is home to the Cemetery of Confucius and other significant sites related to the philosopher.

10. The City of Ceramics: Zibo

The City of Ceramics: Zibo

Zibo's history as a center for ceramics is showcased at the Zibo Chinese Ceramics Center, and the city is also known for the ancient Great Wall of the Qi.

11. Quanzhou

Quanzhou's International Influences

Quanzhou, an ancient port, features historic temples, mosques, and the Quanzhou Maritime Museum, reflecting its diverse cultural influences.

12. Yangzhou


Yangzhou, a city enriched by foreign trade, offers a picturesque old town with lakes, bridges, and temples like the Temple of Heavenly Peace.

13. Foshan's Famous Buddhas

Old and new buildings in Foshan City

Foshan, known for its ancient bronze Buddha statues, is a hub for porcelain and traditional Cantonese opera performances.

14. Dunhuang and Jiayuguan

Mogao Grottos, Dunhuang

Adventure seekers are drawn to Dunhuang and Jiayuguan for their Silk Road history, desert landscapes, and the westernmost section of the Great Wall of China.

15. The Gardens of Wuhan

Cherry blossoms blooming at East Lake in Wuhan

Wuhan, known for East Lake and its stunning gardens, also houses the Hubei Provincial Museum, which showcases rare historical artifacts.