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Siena's 14 Best Tourist Spots

Discover Siena: A Jewel in the Tuscan Hills

Nestled among the scenic hills of Tuscany, Siena is a city where history and artistry intertwine, rivaling the cultural richness of Florence. With its origins flourishing in the 12th century, Siena's architecture, particularly its Gothic cathedrals and palaces made from local red clay, stands as a testament to its glorious past.

Visitors to Siena's Centro Storico will find a wealth of attractions, though be prepared for some uphill exploration. For a comprehensive experience, consider a guided tour to navigate the city's highlights efficiently.

For more information on where to stay and what to see, visit Siena's tourist attractions.

1. Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta

Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta

The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta is a Gothic masterpiece, adorned with sculptures by Giovanni Pisano and featuring a striking facade of alternating dark and light marble stripes. Inside, the cathedral houses an impressive collection of art from renowned artists like Donatello, Bernini, and Pinturicchio. Notable features include the Biblioteca Piccolomini, the Baptistery of San Giovanni, and the intricately inlaid marble floor.

Address: Piazza del Duomo 8, Siena

Official site:

2. Piazza del Campo

Piazza del Campo

Piazza del Campo, the heart of Siena's old town, is renowned for its harmonious architecture, including the Palazzo Púbblico and its tower. The square is also home to the Fonte Gaia, a beautifully carved fountain with reproductions of Iácopo della Quercia's original reliefs.

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3. Palazzo Pubblico and Museo Civico

Palazzo Pubblico and Museo Civico

The Palazzo Pubblico, Siena's Gothic town hall, features a facade adorned with the city's emblem and houses the Museo Civico. Inside, visitors can admire frescoes by Ambrogio Lorenzetti and Simone Martini, as well as the original Fonte Gaia sculptures.

Address: Piazza del Campo 1, Siena

4. Torre del Mangia

Torre del Mangia

The Torre del Mangia, a slender medieval tower, offers panoramic views of Siena and the surrounding countryside. At its base, the Cappella di Piazza commemorates the city's survival of the 1348 plague.

Address: Piazza del Campo, Siena

5. Il Palio (Horse Race)

Il Palio (Horse Race)

Il Palio, Siena's historic horse race, takes place twice each summer in Piazza del Campo. The event is a vibrant display of local pride, with parades, flag throwing, and a race where the horse, with or without its rider, must cross the finish line first.

Official site:

6. Pinacoteca Nazionale (National Gallery)

Pinacoteca Nazionale (National Gallery)

Housed in the Palazzo Buonsignori, the Pinacoteca Nazionale showcases Sienese painting from the 12th to the 16th centuries, featuring works by Duccio di Buoninsegna, Ambrogio Lorenzetti, and Pinturicchio.

Address: Via San Pietro 29, Siena

7. The Facciatone

The Facciatone

The Facciatone offers a unique experience with breathtaking views of Siena. It is the remains of an ambitious cathedral expansion that was never completed due to the plague and structural issues.

Address: Piazza del Duomo 8, Siena

8. San Doménico

San Doménico

The austere Church of San Doménico is a Cistercian Gothic structure with a rich history. Inside, visitors can find frescoes by Andrea Vanni and masterpieces by Sodoma.

Address: Piazza San Domenico, Siena

9. San Francesco

San Francesco

San Francesco, a Gothic church, features a nave with black and white bands reminiscent of the cathedral's marble. It contains significant frescoes by Pietro Lorenzetti.

Address: Piazza San Francesco, Siena

10. Santa Maria della Scala (Santíssima Annunziata)

Santa Maria della Scala (Santíssima Annunziata)

Santa Maria della Scala, part of a historic hospital complex, showcases a fresco by Sebastiano Conca and a bronze Risen Christ by Vecchietta.

Address: Piazza del Duomo 2, Siena

11. Santuario di Santa Caterina

Santuario di Santa Caterina

The Santuario di Santa Caterina, the former home of St. Catherine of Siena, is a site of pilgrimage with a beautiful Renaissance doorway.

Address: Via Santa Caterina, Siena

12. Santa Maria degli Servi

Santa Maria degli Servi

Santa Maria degli Servi, a 13th-century church, is known for its artworks, including Coppo di Marcovaldo's Madonna del Bordone and Pietro Lorenzetti's frescoes.

13. Oratorio di San Bernardino

Adjacent to the Basilica di San Francesco, the Oratorio di San Bernardino is a treasure trove of religious art, including 16th-century frescoes depicting the life of the Virgin and saints.

Address: Piazza San Francesco, Siena

14. Palazzo Salimbeni

Palazzo Salimbeni

Palazzo Salimbeni, a 14th-century Gothic palace, is the centerpiece of Piazza Salimbeni and houses the headquarters of one of Italy's oldest banks.

Address: Piazza Salimbeni, Siena

Where to Stay in Siena for Sightseeing

For a luxurious stay, consider Relais degli Angeli, Grand Hotel Continental Siena, or Residenza d'Epoca Palazzo Borghesi. Mid-range options include Hotel Santa Caterina and Palazzo di Valli, while budget travelers can opt for Hotel Athena or Hotel Garden.

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