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Discover Oaxaca: 14 Must-See Sights & Activities

Discover Oaxaca: A Guide to Mexico's Vibrant Cultural Hub

Nestled in a valley surrounded by the southern Sierra Madre mountains, Oaxaca is a stunning UNESCO World Heritage Site in Mexico, rich in both Indian and Spanish heritage. With its well-preserved architecture and vibrant cultural scene, including the famous Guelaguetza festival, Oaxaca is a photographer's dream and a traveler's delight.

The city's history dates back to 6000 BC and was part of the Aztec empire before the Spanish conquest in 1521. Today, Oaxaca's attractions range from historic buildings to lively markets, all set against a backdrop of lush tropical vegetation.

1. Oaxaca Cathedral

Oaxaca Cathedral

The Oaxaca Cathedral, with its Baroque façade and Neoclassical interior, stands proudly on the Zócalo. Its construction spanned nearly two centuries, and the cathedral features a wooden clock gifted by the King of Spain and an organ dating back to 1712.

2. Zócalo and Mercado Benito Juárez

Zócalo and Mercado Benito Juárez

The heart of Oaxaca is its central square, the Zócalo, surrounded by cafes and the site of many festivals, including the colorful Fiesta de Rábanos. Nearby, the Mercado Benito Juárez buzzes with activity, offering a variety of local goods.

Guided tours in Oaxaca

3. Church of Santo Domingo de Guzmán

Iglesia de Santo Domingo

This Dominican church, founded in 1575, is a masterpiece of Baroque architecture with a richly gilded interior. The adjoining convent is now the Cultural Centre of Oaxaca, a must-visit for its historical and cultural exhibits.

4. Monte Albán

Monte Albán

Monte Albán is a breathtaking archaeological site just outside Oaxaca. Once a major ceremonial center, it features a grand plaza, pyramids, and a ball court. The Monte Albán Ruins Museum offers insights into the site's history.

5. The Basilica of Our Lady of Solitude

The Basilica of Our Lady of Solitude

Dedicated to Oaxaca's patron saint, this basilica is known for its green cantera stone construction and the figure of the Virgen de la Soledad adorned with precious stones.

6. The Rufino Tamayo Museum

The Rufino Tamayo Museum

Housing a collection of Pre-Columbian art, the Rufino Tamayo Museum showcases artifacts from Mexico's indigenous cultures, while the nearby Graphic Arts Institute of Oaxaca features Latin American paintings and cultural events.

7. Museo Casa Juárez

Museo Casa Juárez

The former home of President Benito Juárez, now a museum, offers a glimpse into 19th-century life in Oaxaca. The Oaxaca Stamp Museum is also worth a visit for its unique collections.

8. The Ex-Monastery of Santiago Apóstol

The Monastery of Santiago Apóstol

In Cuilapan de Guerrero, the Ex-Monastery of Santiago Apóstol stands as a testament to the region's history, with its Renaissance façade and earthquake-resistant construction.

9. San Jerónimo and Santa María del Tule

Tree of Tule

Visit Santa María del Tule to see the ancient Tree of Tule, a massive cypress, and the nearby town of Tlacochahuaya, home to the colorful San Jerónimo Church.

10. Cultural Centre of Oaxaca

Cultural Centre of Oaxaca

The Cultural Centre of Oaxaca, located in the former convent of the Church of Santo Domingo de Guzmán, features an ethnological collection and archaeological finds from Monte Albán.

11. Oaxaca Ethnobotanical Garden

Oaxaca Ethnobotanical Garden

The Oaxaca Ethnobotanical Garden showcases the state's diverse plant life and its relationship with local culture. Guided tours are available in English.

12. Museum of Contemporary Art & Textile Museum

Fabric hanging at the Textile Museum

The Museum of Contemporary Art (MACO) and the Textile Museum offer a blend of contemporary and traditional art, with workshops and cultural events.

13. Hierve El Agua

Hierve El Agua

Hierve El Agua features petrified waterfalls and natural pools, offering a unique swimming experience amidst a stunning landscape.

Where to Stay in Oaxaca for Sightseeing

For a comfortable stay, consider the luxurious Hotel La Casona De Tita, the elegant Quinta Real Oaxaca, or the charming Hotel Palacio Borghese. Mid-range options include Casa de Siete Balcones and XTILU Hotel, while budget travelers can opt for the Holiday Inn Express Centro Historico Oaxaca or Hotel Las Golondrinas.

14. Day Trips from Oaxaca

Mayan ruins in Mitla

Explore nearby archaeological sites like Dainzú, Lambityeco, Huijazoo, and the famous ruins of Mitla, each offering a unique glimpse into Mexico's rich pre-Columbian history.

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