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Top 13 Must-See Sights in Ravenna

Discover Ravenna's Mosaic Wonders

Ravenna, a city unique to Italy, is renowned for its stunning mosaics that date back to when it was the capital of the Western Roman Empire after Emperor Honorius moved his court there in 402. The city's mosaic tradition flourished under the rule of Honorius, his sister Galla Placidia, and later Theodoric the Great, with a strong Byzantine influence.

Today, Ravenna's mosaics are preserved in seven buildings and the Tomb of Theodoric, all part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. To fully appreciate these masterpieces, it's recommended to spread your visit over two days.

For a guide on what to see in Ravenna, including accommodation tips, check out the list of top attractions below.

1. Neonian Baptistery

Neonian Baptistery

Start your journey at the Neonian Baptistery, an early 5th-century structure in the city's core. Its dome is adorned with mosaics, including a depiction of Christ's baptism, offering a dramatic visual impact despite its smaller size.

2. San Vitale

San Vitale

San Vitale's modest exterior belies the splendor within. This 6th-century church houses some of the most significant early Christian Byzantine art in Western Europe, with mosaics that include Emperor Justinian, his wife Theodora, and religious figures, all in stunning detail and color.

Activities and Tours in Ravenna

3. Mausoleum of Galla Placidia

Mausoleum of Galla Placidia

Experience the intimate atmosphere of Galla Placidia's mausoleum, where mosaics from the 5th century cover the arches and domes, set against a deep blue background, depicting Christian iconography and possibly the sarcophagi of Galla Placidia and her family.

4. Sant'Apollinare Nuovo

Sant'Apollinare Nuovo

This basilica, originally built by Theodoric, is adorned with mosaics that illustrate scenes from the New Testament and portraits of saints, as well as depictions of the port of Classis and Ravenna itself.

5. Basilica di San Francesco

Basilica di San Francesco

Visit the Basilica di San Francesco to see its flooded crypt and the nearby tomb of Dante, the father of the Italian language. The adjacent Museo Dantesco is also worth a visit.

6. Arian Baptistery

Arian Baptistery

The Arian Baptistery, constructed by Theodoric, features restored 6th-century mosaics depicting Christ's baptism and the Twelve Apostles.

7. Museo Nazionale (National Museum)

Adjacent to San Vitale, the National Museum offers a collection of ivories, textiles, icons, and weapons, with some pieces related to the UNESCO sites.

8. Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra

Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra

Explore the mosaic floors of a Roman home, discovered during an excavation for a parking lot, now accessible through the church of Sant'Eufemia.

9. Arcivescovado (Archbishop's Palace)

Arcivescovado (Archbishop's Palace)

The Archbishop's Palace houses the Archiepiscopal Chapel with its original 6th-century mosaics and a small museum with a carved ivory throne.

10. Tomb of Theodoric

Tomb of Theodoric

For a break from mosaics, visit Theodoric's tomb, a remarkable example of late Roman architecture with a massive stone dome.

11. Sant' Apollinare in Classe

Sant' Apollinare in Classe

Located outside the ancient Roman port, this church features mosaics from the 6th and 7th centuries, including depictions of bishops and Emperor Constantine IV.

12. San Giovanni Evangelista

San Giovanni Evangelista

Despite wartime damage, San Giovanni Evangelista retains many original features and mosaics, including 14th-century frescoes.

13. Mirabilandia


Italy's largest amusement park, Mirabilandia, offers rides for all ages and a water park with the world's tallest water coaster.

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Where to Stay in Ravenna for Sightseeing

For accommodation, consider Palazzo Bezzi for luxury, NH Ravenna for mid-range, and M club Deluxe B&B for budget options, all offering easy access to Ravenna's attractions.

Tips and Tours: How to Make the Most of Your Visit to Ravenna

Consider a private walking tour to explore Ravenna's mosaics, including the Church of S. Vitale, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, and Neonian Baptistery, along with other historical sites.

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