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13 Best Sights in Newfoundland & Labrador

Discover Newfoundland and Labrador: A Land of Natural Wonders

Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, boasts a rugged landscape carved by ice ages, with a coastline marked by deep fjords and towering cliffs. Inland, the terrain is dotted with forests, lakes, and wildlife such as moose and caribou.

Historically, the region relied on cod fishing, but overfishing led to a government-imposed suspension. Today, the capital city of St. John's is a hub of activity, surrounded by scenic towns and former fishing villages that now captivate tourists with their natural beauty and wildlife.

Visitors can explore trails along the stunning coastline and delve into the area's rich history, from Viking settlements to early European explorers. To sound like a local, emphasize the last syllables in NewfoundLAND and LabraDOR.

For an unforgettable northern adventure, consider these top attractions in Newfoundland and Labrador.

1. Gros Morne National Park

Gros Morne National Park

Gros Morne National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a marvel of fjords, mountains, and unique ecosystems. Visitors can hike, boat, and explore geological wonders like the exposed earth's mantle at Tablelands.

Official site:

2. L'Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site

L'Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site

At L'Anse aux Meadows, explore the only authenticated Viking site in North America, believed to be the "Vinland" mentioned in Norse sagas.

Official site:

3. Signal Hill National Historic Site

Signal Hill National Historic Site

Signal Hill offers panoramic views and historical significance as the reception point of the first transatlantic wireless signal.

Official site:

4. The Rooms

The Rooms

The Rooms museum showcases Newfoundland and Labrador's natural history, art, and cultural heritage.

Official site:

5. Bonavista Peninsula

Cape Bonavista coastline in Newfoundland

Discover the historic Bonavista Peninsula, where John Cabot first sighted the New World, and visit the charming towns of Trinity and Bonavista.

6. Cape Spear Lighthouse National Historic Site

Cape Spear Lighthouse National Historic Site

At Cape Spear, the continent's easternmost point, stands Newfoundland's oldest lighthouse, now a museum.

Official site:

7. Torngat Mountains National Park

Aerial view of Torngat Mountains

The remote Torngat Mountains National Park offers dramatic landscapes, iceberg viewing, and rich Inuit culture.

8. Puffin and Whale Cruises in Witless Bay

Puffin and Whale Cruises in Witless Bay

Witless Bay Ecological Reserve is a haven for puffins and whales, best experienced through boat cruises.

9. Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve

Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve

Witness the impressive seabird colonies at Cape St. Mary's, including thousands of northern gannets.

10. Twillingate and Fogo Island

Iceberg near Twillingate

Experience traditional Newfoundland village life in Twillingate and explore the unique culture of Fogo Island.

11. Castle Hill National Historic Site

Town of Placentia

Castle Hill showcases the history of English and French fortifications with stunning views over Placentia Bay.

Official site:

12. Terra Nova National Park

Terra Nova National Park

Explore the serene fjords of Terra Nova National Park and the quaint fishing community of Salvage.

Official site:

13. Red Bay National Historic Site

Red Bay National Historic Site

Red Bay National Historic Site reveals the history of Basque whalers in the region.

Official site:

Whether you're seeking adventure, history, or natural beauty, Newfoundland and Labrador offer an array of experiences for every traveler.