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Venezuela's 11 Best Tourist Spots

Discover Venezuela's Top Attractions

Venezuela boasts a diverse array of natural wonders, from pristine beaches to the towering Andes Mountains. Its capital, Caracas, is a hub of cultural activity with numerous attractions. While some of the country's most breathtaking sites are remote, they are well worth the journey. Here's a condensed guide to Venezuela's must-see destinations.

1. Angel Falls

Angel Falls

Angel Falls, the world's highest waterfall, is a spectacular sight within Canaima National Park. Best viewed during the rainy season, it can be reached by flight or a three-day boat and hiking trip, with basic accommodations en route.

2. Los Roques Archipelago

Gran Roque

Los Roques is a stunning national park known for its soft-sand beaches and clear waters, ideal for swimming and snorkeling. Accessible by plane from Caracas, the main village, Gran Roque, is charming with colorful homes and a laid-back vibe.

3. Isla de Margarita

Isla de Margarita

Margarita Island is a developed beach destination with a variety of sandy beaches and resorts. It's reachable by charter flights or ferry, with Porlamar being the island's bustling city center.

4. Morrocoy National Park

Cayo Sombrero

With white-sand beaches and coral reefs, Morrocoy National Park is a haven for divers and beachgoers. The park is home to diverse birdlife and is easily accessible from Tucacas or Chichiriviche.

5. Canaima National Park and the Gran Sabana

Canaima National Park and the Gran Sabana

Canaima National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is vast and varied, with the Gran Sabana's plateau and tepuis offering unique landscapes and waterfalls, separate from the Angel Falls experience.

6. Roraima


Roraima, a mystical table-top mountain, captivates with its unique ecosystem and was the inspiration for "The Lost World." It's a challenging hike but rewards adventurers with its otherworldly beauty.

7. Orinoco Delta

Orinoco Delta

The Orinoco Delta offers a unique ecosystem teeming with wildlife and cultural experiences with the Warao people. Lodges in the area provide wildlife tours and night safaris.

8. Galipan

Caracas: Galipan and the National Pantheon

Galipan, perched on Avila Mountain, offers stunning views of Caracas and the coast. Accessible by funicular or a twisty road, it's a great spot for local crafts and dining.

9. National Pantheon of Venezuela

National Pantheon of Venezuela

The National Pantheon in Caracas is a revered site housing the remains of Simon Bolívar and other notable Venezuelans.

10. Medanos de Coro National Park

Medanos de Coro National Park

Medanos de Coro National Park surprises visitors with its desert-like dunes and lagoons, offering a unique landscape to explore and photograph.

11. Mochima National Park

Mochima National Park

Mochima National Park is known for its beaches and diving spots, accessible by boat from nearby towns. It's a quieter alternative to more crowded parks, perfect for a peaceful retreat.

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imageVisiting Neighboring Colombia: Bordering Venezuela, Colombia is a rising tourist destination with attractions like Cartagena and Medellin.