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Explore Wittenberg: 11 Must-See Sites & Activities

Discover Wittenberg: A Guide to the Birthplace of the Reformation

Wittenberg, also known as Lutherstadt Wittenberg, is renowned as the cradle of Martin Luther's Reformation. Situated on the River Elbe's north bank, it's here that Luther, a local preacher, famously nailed his 95 Theses to the Castle Church's door, sparking the Protestant Reformation.

The town celebrates Luther's legacy with cultural sites and events, including theaters and the Wittenberg Renaissance Music Festival, attracting visitors worldwide.

1. The Castle Church (Schlosskirche)

The Castle Church

The Castle Church, a Late Gothic structure from 1500, is now a Reformation Memorial Church. Although the original doors where Luther's theses were posted are gone, the current bronze doors display the Latin text. Inside, you'll find statues, tombs of key figures like Luther and Melanchthon, and a monument to Elector Frederick III. The church offers guided tours, English services, and concerts.

Official site:

2. Lutherhaus Museum

Lutherhaus Museum

Lutherhaus, Martin Luther's former residence, is now the world's largest Reformation museum. It showcases Luther's living room, writings, and personal items, including a pulpit from St. Mary's Church.

Official site:

3. Marktplatz

The Marktplatz

The Marktplatz, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, features historic buildings like the Old Town Hall with Renaissance and Gothic elements, and bronze statues of Luther and Melanchthon.

4. Fläming Nature Park

Fläming Nature Park

Fläming Nature Park, a haven for nature enthusiasts, offers forests, meadows, and trails for hiking and biking. Visitors can explore historic sites like Zerbst Castle and picturesque towns such as Coswig.

5. Parish Church of St. Mary

Parish Church of St. Mary

The Parish Church of St. Mary, where Luther often preached, is known for its Gothic architecture, Renaissance spires, and artworks by Lucas Cranach the Elder.

6. Luther 1517 - Wittenberg 360°

Luther 1517 is a panoramic artwork depicting Wittenberg as it appeared during Luther's time, complete with lifelike figures of key historical personalities.

Official site:

7. Melanchthon House

Melanchthon House

Melanchthon House, once home to Luther's ally Philip Melanchthon, is now a museum showcasing his life and work, complete with a 16th-century garden.

8. Cranach House

Cranach House

Cranach House, the residence of artist Lucas Cranach the Elder, is a museum displaying his works and offers art classes.

Official site:

9. Piesteritz Workers' Estate

Piesteritz Workers' Estate

Piesteritz Workers' Estate is a historic housing project from 1916, showcasing diverse architectural styles and communal living concepts.

10. Museum of Town History

The Museum of Town History, located in the old Electoral residence, offers insights into Wittenberg's development and houses historical and natural history collections.

11. Wittenberg Zoo

Alaris Butterfly Park

Wittenberg Zoo, a small but delightful zoo, features a variety of species, an aquarium, and a petting zoo, making it perfect for family visits.

For more travel inspiration, consider day trips to Potsdam, Brandenburg an der Havel, or Berlin, and explore medieval gems like Rothenburg ob der Tauber and Nuremberg. Germany's top attractions include Cologne Cathedral, Hamburg's Miniatur Wunderland, and the scenic Black Forest region.