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Explore Helsingor: 11 Must-See Sights & Activities

Discover Helsingor: A Guide to the Historic Danish Town

Located a short distance from Copenhagen, Helsingor is not just a ferry port but a town rich in history and culture, famously linked to Shakespeare's Hamlet through the iconic Kronborg Castle. The town's medieval quarter offers a delightful experience with its well-preserved buildings, boutique shops, and cozy eateries.

For a comprehensive guide to the best attractions in Helsingor, check out this list of top things to do. And if you're considering where to stay, take a look at accommodation options in Helsingør.

1. Kronborg Castle

Kronborg Castle

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Kronborg Castle is not only the setting for Shakespeare's Hamlet but also a historical fortress with origins dating back to the 1420s. The current structure, with its impressive Renaissance interiors and tapestry collections, was rebuilt by King Christian IV in the 17th century.

Address: Kronborg 2C, Helsingør

Official site:

2. National Maritime Museum of Denmark

Art outside the National Maritime Museum of Denmark, Helsingor

Adjacent to Kronborg Castle, the National Maritime Museum offers a deep dive into Denmark's maritime past. Housed in a modern underground facility, the museum showcases Denmark's global maritime influence and includes the innovative Culture Yard.

Address: Ny Kronborgvej 1, Helsingor

Official site:

3. Danish Museum of Science and Technology (Danmarks Tekniske Museum)

Danish Museum of Science and Technology (Danmarks Tekniske Museum)

This museum celebrates Denmark's technological advancements, featuring an array of steam engines, inventions, and vintage vehicles. It's a treasure trove for those interested in the evolution of technology.

Address: Fabriksvej 25, Helsingør

Official site:

4. Take a Day Trip to Frederiksborg Castle

Frederiksborg Castle

Frederiksborg Castle, a short drive from Helsingor, is a Dutch Renaissance masterpiece set on three islands. It's a testament to Denmark's royal history and a stunning example of architectural preservation.

5. St. Olaf's Church

St. Olaf's Church

St. Olaf's Church, a red brick Gothic cathedral, stands as a historical and architectural landmark in Helsingor. It features intricate altarpieces and frescoes, reflecting its storied past.

Address: Sct. Annagade 12, Helsingor

6. St. Mary's Church and Carmelite Monastery

St. Mary's Church, Helsingor

St. Mary's Church, part of a well-preserved Carmelite monastery, is renowned for its beautiful interior and historical significance. It's a cultural hub for concerts and lectures.

Address: Sct. Annagade 38, Helsingor

Official site:

7. Ship Handler's House (Skibsklarerergaarden)

This museum was once the home of the ship handler, a key figure in the collection of the Sound Duty. It features Denmark's oldest surviving shop interior.

Address: Strandgade, Helsingor

8. Helsingor City Museum (Helsingor Bymuseet)

The Helsingør City Museum, located in a historic building, showcases the town's rich history through various exhibits, including a model of the town from 1801.

Address: Sct. Anna Gade 36, Helsingør

Official site:

9. Fredensborg Palace

Fredensborg Palace

Fredensborg Palace, the Royal Family's residence, is a stunning example of Italian Baroque architecture. The surrounding gardens are open to the public and are a highlight of the region.

Official site:

10. Stengade & Axeltorv

Memorial for Erik of Pomerania in Axeltorv

Axeltorv is the lively center of Helsingor, featuring a memorial fountain and bustling markets. Nearby Stengade is a charming street for shopping and dining.

11. Admire Helsingør's Public Art

Public art in Helsingør - Shipyard Workers

Helsingør's public art, from sculptures to murals, adds character to the city. Notable works include The Shipyard Workers and Han, a modern counterpart to Copenhagen's Little Mermaid.

Heracles and the Hydra statue in Helsingor

Where to Stay in Helsingør for Sightseeing

For a comfortable stay in Helsingor, consider these hotels with convenient access to major attractions: